"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spitzer Resigns

The governor of New York has officially resigned as the result of the recent prostitution scandal he is under investigation for. I don't know if it’s a loss or not, I guess New Yorkers are best to answer that question. Personally I don't care about the escort angle as I just see it as an act between two consenting adults and the spouses they are cheating on. Not really the public's business. However, the man made his career by attacking the very thing he was busted for and that changes the dynamic. Everyone pretty much expects politicians to follow the "Do as I say, not as I do" policy but when you get busted for it, people don't react very well and he is getting that experience first hand. Since he was a politician, he is set for life regardless.

I am curious though to know just how much the wife knew. It might have been a secret but I get the feeling she has know about it for a while and either accepted it or simply didn't care. Part of the problem is the "traditional" politician has the happy housewife who is happy to support her husband in all his endeavors. Basically the 1950s version of a wife who will sticks with her man through thick and thin, whether he deserves it or not. Just random speculation, what she does or does not do is entirely up to her. Never know they might be swingers in private.

The press will probably enjoy this scandal for the next week even though with the resignation, the story is done. Unless they get hold of the various escorts he was involved in which I doubt that will happen. In the meantime, the Daily Show weighed in on the scandal with the usual hilarious results as they pan the press's coverage. Check out the video of that here.

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