"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Monday, April 21, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall Review

It’s hard to like a movie that opens and closes on male nudity. There is a reason it’s not used often in films, it simply makes people uncomfortable of both sexes and the reactions of people in the audience I saw the movie with were no different.

The movie is the usual romance movie only done in the over the top Apatow style. Boy (How I Met Your Mother's Peter Segel) loses girl (Veronica Mar's Kristen Bell), boy goes slightly nuts so goes to Hawaii to straighten his head. Boy stumbles across ex and meets a new girl (That 70's Show Mila Kunis). Hijacks ensue.

I wanted to see the movie because of the cast, being a fan of all three and harboring a crush on the stunning Kristen Bell. The cast does an excellent job, especially Kunis who not only has never looked better but comes across as an extremely appealing woman. You can see why someone would want to trade out Bell for her.

The main problem with the movie is the jokes and the ending. As is often the case with movies of this type, things get too silly to the point of taking you completely out of the movie. The movie clicks anytime the main cast is on screen. It also clicks with when 30 Rock's Jack McBrayer is doing anything. However a tremendous amount of time is wasted on a one note gay joke from Superbad's Jonah Hill. He continues to mine his awkward fat gay guy routine and the result is simply boring. Also the ending involving a puppet show is so beyond silly you can actually feel your brain cells die as you watch it. When a truly funny moment occurs, it’s great. The problem is they are far and few between. For a comedy I was checking my watch entirely too often.

Overall this film is watchable, probably good as a date movie, but overall I say save your bucks and toss it on your Netflix queue.

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