"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy April's Fools Day

Below are a bunch of random web events that helped celebrate April Fool's Day.

Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time - What the title says, it covers a decades of jokes performed on TV, magazines, web, etc all over the world.

The Conglomerist - The Consumerist.com website is bought out and changes its mandate from supporting the consumer to supporting the corporations.

Legend of Zelda: The Movie Trailer - From IGN, the trailer to a Legend of Zelda movie, in live action. Not bad actually. Makes you wish it was the real deal.

Diablo III - Blizzard clearly loves the holidays as they unleashed all kinds of pranks. This one is the announcement of the long desired sequel Diablo III that promises to "reinvent the persistent online world concept while preserving its hero-centric story".

Starcraft 2 Tauren Marine - Another Blizzard joke, this one unit that works with the Terran race. Includes concept designs, in game action with 3 videos, dialogue, the whole 9 yards really. They should consider adding them as an unlockable cheat code. Seeing just five of them rip across a base is hilarious.

World of Worldcraft: Bard Hero Class - The love Blizzard has for April Fool's continues, this time with a "new" class for WoW that includes mockup images, in game action frames, and amusing talents "Metal" and "Punk Rock". Be sure to check out sample item spec too.

World of Worldcraft Expansion: Molten Core - Blizzard once again, this time with an expansion for WoW that comes right out of 1984 Atari press release, "fully loaded with nine different shapes (and possibly colors) representing the current World of Warcraft character classes". Includes trailer, screenshots and map. Make sure to check out the awesome boss art followed by its video game rendition, hilarious.

Future X-Box products - Amazing even Microsoft got in on the fun, display some rather outrageous upcoming products for the X-Box such as a wireless helmet, "vintage edition" made out of wood, X-Box the board game, and the "Retcon Edition".

Lord of the Rings Expansion: Battle of Amon Hen - Joining the fun is a new expansion that allows you to play as the ultimate character, a hen. The character grows as you level and includes skills such as the "oppressive yolk", "eggcellent assault" and the Drumstick instrument.

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