"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Friday, April 11, 2008

Operation Reconnect April 12th

"Anonymous" is preparing for another protest of Scientology's methods, this time for tomorrow April 12th. The protest is worldwide and called Operation Reconnect. The name is a counter to Scientology's "disconnect" program which is really a fancy name for what is usually one of the first thing a cult does, which is remove members from outside influences of family and friends. Its why many cults have compounds, the idea being that since the cult's practices usually are unable to withstand critical scrutiny, its best to reduce the number of available influences that may "turn" the new member against them.

The result of this practice is usually destroyed families and children turn on their parents for the cult or parents abandon their children for the cult. In effect, the "disconnect" policy is forcing their members to choose between the religion or their loved ones if they are not members themselves. It is a classic sign of any cult and part of why why calling Scientology a religion is incorrect.

To participate in the protest, click here for locations in your area. Below are links to the various videos that explain Operation Reconnect and provide background on why the protests are occuring at all.

Operation Reconnect

Road to 2/10

Project Chanology

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