NBC has broke the press oath of Bush loyalty in regards to Iraq and officially announced on the Today Show yesterday that the Iraq is in a Civil War and the channels of NBC will begin to refer to it as such. Even Colin Powell, who destroyed his political career by siding with Bush, has said Iraq is in a Civil War. The White House, of course, doesn't like this term and have decided to call it secretarian violence in recent speeches. I am not sure of the definition is that no "official" definition exists. Tried google, yahoo, and Webster's, all blank on the word secretarian. I think that word means violence by different sects in Iraq all vying for control of the country. Which sounds like another way of defining a Civil War. Have to love the White House and their love for the semantics. Apparently its lawyers, not Bush, running the country.
Obviously Fox News will never under any circumstances call declare Iraq is in a Civil War until the President does, but what about the other news channels? Will CNN, ABC etc follow NBC's footsteps? If so when and what will be the reason for the change? Increased violence? Grab for ratings? In the end its really interesting how much effort is put into labeling things for Iraq while at the same time not really doing much investigation on what is occurring in Iraq up to the war and during the War by the Bush Administration and the various companies hired to rebuild such as Haliburton. How many more deaths before we leave Iraq to the Iraqi people to determine its future for ill or for not.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Nancy Grace Sued by Duckett Family
The parents of Melinda Duckett has decided to sue CNN's Nancy Grace for causing the suicide of Melinda Duckett. Nancy has previously sandbagged Melinda on her live television show, pretty much accusing her of killing her own child. An event that she was innocent of. Not that facts or even information of any kind means anything to Nancy Grace.
She is a vile human being that has no business being on television as her repugant form of punditry is based on nothing more then whatever sensationalism will get her attention. There is no low blow she isn't willing to go after. Deciding that Melinda Duckett was a murderer, based on nothing more then the police simply doing their job of investigating possible suspect is par the course for this women. She needs no evidence, no facts, nada to rant about her version of the "truth." If the police are investigating someone, that someone must be guilty. That's all the proof she needs and people find this acceptable.
Before this little stunt, she tried to draw out explicit sexual details from Elizabeth Smart on live television. Unlike most of Grace's guest, Smart has the youth to call Nancy on her behavior, reminding her she was there to support a law before Congress, this added with unfettered expressions of disgust.
In fact the vileness of Grace even goes into her own history, where she lies and exaggerates about her credentials as a victim of crime, something she hammers on a regular basis as if this makes here a sudden authority on all things. Her story is her finance Keith Griffin was the victim of a career criminal during a robbery where justice prevailed (in her mind, due to her tireless efforts) as the criminal is now serving a life sentence after days of deliberations and years of appeals.
Turns out the random criminal was 19, had no prior convictions and was a co-worker of Griffen. Also the criminal confessed that evening to the crime and the jury convicted in hours, not days. While Nancy claims she chose not to peruse the death penalty, it was the prosecutors that made that decision, as the killer was mildly retarded. Also no appeals have been filed.
Long story short, in every detail of this pivotal sob story of Nancy Grace's life, she exaggerates and outright lies about the story to gain credibility and sympathy. If she lies about something as important as this, the death of a finance, is there really nothing she is not capable of for attention. CNN should fire her and remove the stain of this women from their station.
She is a vile human being that has no business being on television as her repugant form of punditry is based on nothing more then whatever sensationalism will get her attention. There is no low blow she isn't willing to go after. Deciding that Melinda Duckett was a murderer, based on nothing more then the police simply doing their job of investigating possible suspect is par the course for this women. She needs no evidence, no facts, nada to rant about her version of the "truth." If the police are investigating someone, that someone must be guilty. That's all the proof she needs and people find this acceptable.
Before this little stunt, she tried to draw out explicit sexual details from Elizabeth Smart on live television. Unlike most of Grace's guest, Smart has the youth to call Nancy on her behavior, reminding her she was there to support a law before Congress, this added with unfettered expressions of disgust.
In fact the vileness of Grace even goes into her own history, where she lies and exaggerates about her credentials as a victim of crime, something she hammers on a regular basis as if this makes here a sudden authority on all things. Her story is her finance Keith Griffin was the victim of a career criminal during a robbery where justice prevailed (in her mind, due to her tireless efforts) as the criminal is now serving a life sentence after days of deliberations and years of appeals.
Turns out the random criminal was 19, had no prior convictions and was a co-worker of Griffen. Also the criminal confessed that evening to the crime and the jury convicted in hours, not days. While Nancy claims she chose not to peruse the death penalty, it was the prosecutors that made that decision, as the killer was mildly retarded. Also no appeals have been filed.
Long story short, in every detail of this pivotal sob story of Nancy Grace's life, she exaggerates and outright lies about the story to gain credibility and sympathy. If she lies about something as important as this, the death of a finance, is there really nothing she is not capable of for attention. CNN should fire her and remove the stain of this women from their station.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Olbermann: To Bush, The Lessons of Vietnam
Keith Olbermann strikes again on his Countdown program with his "Special Comment" that takes Bush to task for Bush's apparently complete lack of reality and historic perspective. Bush recently traveled to Vietnam and apparently the lesson he took from the Vietnam War is "We'll succeed unless we quit." Keith, of course, feels there are many more lessons that could be learned from the war and runs through them in usual bombastic and clear headed fashion. Sadly, this simpleton view that Bush persists in taking on everything is a large part of the reason he will probably go down in history as one of the worse Presidents the United States has ever had. This is why the American public needs to learn that we don't want "everyman" as President but instead want the smartest, wisest man in the room as the President.
The video is here.
The video is here.
Legend of Zelda Retrospective

Game Trailers has posted a 6 part retrospective of the Legend of Zelda series that does an excellent job of covering the 20 year old series. If don't have the time, check out part 6 of the retrospective that does an excellent job of trying to figure out the time of line all the titles of the series.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Spider-Man 3 Trailer Online
The Spider-Man 3 trailer is online and can be seen here.
Venom doesn't make an appearance but Eddie Brock, Sandman, Green Goblin II, and Gwen Stacy do. Looks like its going to be a great movie to watch.
Venom doesn't make an appearance but Eddie Brock, Sandman, Green Goblin II, and Gwen Stacy do. Looks like its going to be a great movie to watch.
Comedy Central Blog Scoops National Media On Rumsfeld
As a sign of the times, the growing power of the internet, and the diversity of what the news media has become, the Comedy Central blog scooped all by declaring just moments after midnight on Wednesday that later that day, the resignation of Rumsfeld would be announced. How is that for a kick in the pants? I am betting many editors out there are raging at their people over this.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Democrats Take the Senate
The Associated Press is reporting Democrats have taken over the Senate with a 51 to 49 majority with the victory of Democrat challenger Jim Webb over incumbent Republican George Allen by 7,200 votes. With such a close election and a recount highly likely, its no where official but considering that Webb has had a lead for more then 24 hours its not a reach either. Once officially confirmed, this would seal Bush's position as a lame duck President along with Cheney has his lame duck VP since his tie breaking vote is unlikely to be called upon. Also be aware though that this count include Joe Lieberman who tends to march lockstep with Republicans on issues involving Iraq, terrorism and generally trampling upon Constitutional rights.
Update: Allen concedes, Webb declared winner. Democrats have Senate by 1 (including Liebermann).
Update: Allen concedes, Webb declared winner. Democrats have Senate by 1 (including Liebermann).
Ronald Rumsfeld Quits As Secretary of Defense
As I type this, President George Bush is in a news conference announcing the immediate resignation of Secretary of Defense Ronald Rumsfeld. The main architect of the Iraq War who way back when helped but Osama Bin Laden and Saddam in power, will very soon no longer working for the US Government. His announced replacement will be former CIA chief Robert Gates from 1991 to 1993. Robert Gates will take the position as a recess appointment until the still contested US Senate convenes to approve a replacement.
2006 Election: Democrats Returned to Power
In what must be incredibly depressing news for Republicans and Fox News, the American people have spoken and emphatically declared they are tired of the Republican leadership. The balance of power has shifted.
In an amazing night, the Dems overcame expectations, taking the House of Representatives, Governor count, and is very close to either tie in the Senate or taking over the Senate with a current count of 50 seats with 1 undecided which shows a small Democrat lead.
Of doubt by many is why this turnaround. Iraq played a large part in this but it seems that really the corruption of the Republicans seems to have been the tipping point that cost them everything. DeLay, Santorum, Foley, and several others are turned Democrat. The cost of allowing the power and money to corrupt as been and end of the Republican reign in Congress. A reign that lasted only a brief 12 years to Democrats previous 30 years.
The lesson I want to take from this is fear is no longer the effective tool that Republicans are accustomed to. Since the 50's be it McCarthyism, Korea, nuclear bombs, Vietnam, Russians, and now Terrorism, Republicans have allows used fear as a major means of control. They hammer fear over and over and finally the people said enough. Fear is not enough. A strong policy is needed. Strong leadership is needed. Actions rather then words. Democrats are now in power, Bush is a lame duck president. They have an opportunity hear, lets hope its not wasted.
The final question is the Senate, so goes Virginia, so goes control of the Senate.
D Webb 1,169,285 50%
R Allen* 1,162,577 49%
A difference of only 6,708 botes with 995 of the precincts reporting.
In an amazing night, the Dems overcame expectations, taking the House of Representatives, Governor count, and is very close to either tie in the Senate or taking over the Senate with a current count of 50 seats with 1 undecided which shows a small Democrat lead.
Of doubt by many is why this turnaround. Iraq played a large part in this but it seems that really the corruption of the Republicans seems to have been the tipping point that cost them everything. DeLay, Santorum, Foley, and several others are turned Democrat. The cost of allowing the power and money to corrupt as been and end of the Republican reign in Congress. A reign that lasted only a brief 12 years to Democrats previous 30 years.
The lesson I want to take from this is fear is no longer the effective tool that Republicans are accustomed to. Since the 50's be it McCarthyism, Korea, nuclear bombs, Vietnam, Russians, and now Terrorism, Republicans have allows used fear as a major means of control. They hammer fear over and over and finally the people said enough. Fear is not enough. A strong policy is needed. Strong leadership is needed. Actions rather then words. Democrats are now in power, Bush is a lame duck president. They have an opportunity hear, lets hope its not wasted.
The final question is the Senate, so goes Virginia, so goes control of the Senate.
D Webb 1,169,285 50%
R Allen* 1,162,577 49%
A difference of only 6,708 botes with 995 of the precincts reporting.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Bush Admits Iraq War for Oil
President Bush admitted over the weekend that one of the reasons for the Iraqi War is to preserve the price of oil. As all his other excuses fell flat I guess he finally had to admit to some truth. After hearing the excuses of WMDs (not true), terrorist support (unsupported), involved with 9/11 (not true), to bring freedom (civil war?), its finally down to oil. To get here it cost the "just a comma" of nearly 3,000 US dead, 600000 Iraqi dead and billions of dollars. Absolutely disgusting and our Republican "leaders" allowed it. They should be held accountable by the electorate but sadly most will not be.
Keith Olbermann provided a Special Comment on this that is worth seeing. He has just as outrage a view and adds an interesting point, with all the various excuses on the war, is Bush just making it up as he goes?
Transcript and video is here.
Keith Olbermann provided a Special Comment on this that is worth seeing. He has just as outrage a view and adds an interesting point, with all the various excuses on the war, is Bush just making it up as he goes?
Transcript and video is here.
No Paper Trails in Voting
In the a little late category, Scarborough Country discussed the overall dislike that Republicans have for paper trails in the electronic age of voting. Oddly the panel all agreed its a problem, which begs the question of why nothing is being done about it. Even my own state has no paper trail so a "recount" doesn't really exist as there is nothing to recount nor anything to verify that the machine count is accurate.
The entire voting process as it stands is own faith alone. Faith in the hardware, faith in the programming, faith in the process of handling the date, faith in the poll workers, faith in the lack of corruption of anyone involved. Thanks to the lack of oversight, lack of a trail, thanks to the electronic age, all it takes is one person to change the election and void the voice of the people.
A voting machine is really broken into two parts. Accepting and counting the vote, and security of that vote. The first is a trivial exercise that should easily use programming technology and hardware that has been around for quite awhile, up to the point that its used in Tablet PCs for the consumer to use to take notes, draw pictures and generally do very complicated functions beyond anything needed from a voting machine.
The second part, security is difficult, but not insurmountable. For security, use whets already working. Banking, credit card companies etc already use encryption with a great deal success on the internet, there is no reason why this same encryption of data can't be used for these machines to secure the data.
The machines themselves should not allow wireless access, but should allow wired access but only after certain processes and security is setup. The NIC card and access should be locked, literally under lock and key and that access should be in a very obvious place such as the back of the machine or top monitor panel so that any attempt to tamper with it obvious to all.
Anything done on that machines, no matter how small should be logged. The log file itself should be so complete that itself would be a history of what was done, when and where for the life of the machine and almost be used as a form of voting recount of its own. All changes to the machines should invoke the buddy system, where the buddies are qualified but random to reduce the changes of corruption.
A potential final version of machines used for the elections should be made to the public to test, hack and generally break to show flaws and problems so they can be corrected in time for the election. Testing should be arduous, public and go beyond the lab testing that doesn't take in account real world issues and use.
A final step is verification of the count. This should be done in several ways. One a paper trail should be available for every vote. Two, the log file would be a second source of verification. In every state, for every district, there should be random recounts of the entire vote. By random that means truly, locations in a hat, pull out the name, that place will do a manual recount. This should be done at three locations across the state. If the paper trail count doesn't match electronic count of 2 out of 3 locations, then a statewide recount should be performed. This random testing and verification forces the machine designers to build in security, to ensure the devices work properly and it discourages tampering since it would prevent anyone from knowing what location would be test and when. This last step, however implemented, would be critical to any oversight as long as a large degree of random is in the process so no one can predict what locations will perform a recount and what locations will not.
No process will be fool-proof, but any process is better then what we have now, which is to base our entire voting process on faith alone.
The entire voting process as it stands is own faith alone. Faith in the hardware, faith in the programming, faith in the process of handling the date, faith in the poll workers, faith in the lack of corruption of anyone involved. Thanks to the lack of oversight, lack of a trail, thanks to the electronic age, all it takes is one person to change the election and void the voice of the people.
A voting machine is really broken into two parts. Accepting and counting the vote, and security of that vote. The first is a trivial exercise that should easily use programming technology and hardware that has been around for quite awhile, up to the point that its used in Tablet PCs for the consumer to use to take notes, draw pictures and generally do very complicated functions beyond anything needed from a voting machine.
The second part, security is difficult, but not insurmountable. For security, use whets already working. Banking, credit card companies etc already use encryption with a great deal success on the internet, there is no reason why this same encryption of data can't be used for these machines to secure the data.
The machines themselves should not allow wireless access, but should allow wired access but only after certain processes and security is setup. The NIC card and access should be locked, literally under lock and key and that access should be in a very obvious place such as the back of the machine or top monitor panel so that any attempt to tamper with it obvious to all.
Anything done on that machines, no matter how small should be logged. The log file itself should be so complete that itself would be a history of what was done, when and where for the life of the machine and almost be used as a form of voting recount of its own. All changes to the machines should invoke the buddy system, where the buddies are qualified but random to reduce the changes of corruption.
A potential final version of machines used for the elections should be made to the public to test, hack and generally break to show flaws and problems so they can be corrected in time for the election. Testing should be arduous, public and go beyond the lab testing that doesn't take in account real world issues and use.
A final step is verification of the count. This should be done in several ways. One a paper trail should be available for every vote. Two, the log file would be a second source of verification. In every state, for every district, there should be random recounts of the entire vote. By random that means truly, locations in a hat, pull out the name, that place will do a manual recount. This should be done at three locations across the state. If the paper trail count doesn't match electronic count of 2 out of 3 locations, then a statewide recount should be performed. This random testing and verification forces the machine designers to build in security, to ensure the devices work properly and it discourages tampering since it would prevent anyone from knowing what location would be test and when. This last step, however implemented, would be critical to any oversight as long as a large degree of random is in the process so no one can predict what locations will perform a recount and what locations will not.
No process will be fool-proof, but any process is better then what we have now, which is to base our entire voting process on faith alone.
Robo-Calls Run Amok
The RNC continues to show there is no low blow they will not use in desperation to maintain power. Any means necessary seems to be their motto as the recent robo-calls controversy has shown. Apparently the RNC has started to call cold call potential voters via computer providing negative and not necessarily accurate information about Democratic opponents whether the person being called wants it or not. In some cases if you hang up in the middle of the call...the machine will just call you back until you listen to the entire message.
Apparently the Democrats are claiming they will act on these calls which may be violating many national and state laws (including the Do Not Call law). Considering how wimpy the Dems have been for the last few years, I will believe this when I see it.
Countdown has a good report on the controversy here, including showing how the calls are not necessarily helping the Republican candidates they are calling to support (whether that candidate wants the help or not).
Apparently the Democrats are claiming they will act on these calls which may be violating many national and state laws (including the Do Not Call law). Considering how wimpy the Dems have been for the last few years, I will believe this when I see it.
Countdown has a good report on the controversy here, including showing how the calls are not necessarily helping the Republican candidates they are calling to support (whether that candidate wants the help or not).
Monday, November 06, 2006
Vote Democrat!
Now normally I wouldn't really advocate voting along party lines, but then moderates use to rule the roost where its a little more mix and match with a little Republican thinking here and a little Democrat thinking there. Sadly those days disappeared with the advent of Bush and Rove making everything a us vs them deathmatch.
The simple reality is this government, our party system, works best when the two parties are fighting against each other. The Republicans have ruled the roost for six years and wasted the opportunity. Even worse, they left the country in a worse place then when they started. You don't reward that level of incompetence. Its time to return to compromise, its time to returns to sense, its time to yank control away from the extreme fringes of both parties and work back towards the middle ground. The first step to doing that is to give Democrats control of Congress.
If my some miracle, Democrats are able to field a true Presidential candidate in 2008, then this idea can be re-visited. After all, we have already seen how damaging its can be for the Republicans to control all three branches of government, I seriously doubt giving the Democrats the same power will be much better.
Remember, use the Constitutional mindset of separation of powers when voting.
Vote Democrat.
The simple reality is this government, our party system, works best when the two parties are fighting against each other. The Republicans have ruled the roost for six years and wasted the opportunity. Even worse, they left the country in a worse place then when they started. You don't reward that level of incompetence. Its time to return to compromise, its time to returns to sense, its time to yank control away from the extreme fringes of both parties and work back towards the middle ground. The first step to doing that is to give Democrats control of Congress.
If my some miracle, Democrats are able to field a true Presidential candidate in 2008, then this idea can be re-visited. After all, we have already seen how damaging its can be for the Republicans to control all three branches of government, I seriously doubt giving the Democrats the same power will be much better.
Remember, use the Constitutional mindset of separation of powers when voting.
Vote Democrat.
Fox News, Banned from Using the D Word?
Fox News has twice demonstrated a fear or apparent ban on the use of the D for Democratic when trying to share news that doesn't favor the Republicans.
Media Bistro.com posted the below pic that shows that even though most polls are favoring Democrats, Fox News decided to go with the "one party" label. Is this a statement on the overall lack of intelligence that Fox News feels its views have?

In addition, Fox tries to indicate via the words that the GOP has the lead in a race for Tom Delay's Seat, but polls, and the channel's own commentary, show that the GOP candidate is behind by 8% points. Click here for the story and video.

Everyone knows that Fox News is slanted Republican but in desperation are they starting to spin outright lies to try and trick the electorate or is it just incompetence?
Media Bistro.com posted the below pic that shows that even though most polls are favoring Democrats, Fox News decided to go with the "one party" label. Is this a statement on the overall lack of intelligence that Fox News feels its views have?

In addition, Fox tries to indicate via the words that the GOP has the lead in a race for Tom Delay's Seat, but polls, and the channel's own commentary, show that the GOP candidate is behind by 8% points. Click here for the story and video.

Everyone knows that Fox News is slanted Republican but in desperation are they starting to spin outright lies to try and trick the electorate or is it just incompetence?
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Polls Indicate GOP Keeps Senate
You would think America would be sick of what happens when there is no checks and balances in our government with the GOP running all branches of government to the harm of many and help only the their rich brethen. Even the "base" that got them there have not felt any of the GOP love.
Yet despite that, recent polls indicate that while the GOP might lose the House, they will keep the Senate. What does the GOP have to do to lose the people's trust, kill a baby on live television? By all measures of failure, the GOP have failed, yet they keep getting re-elected, sadly proving the rule of 98%. Regardless of what party is in power, or wanting power, 98% of incumbents getting re-elected is pathetic and an indication of just how ill-informed and lazy the average American voter is.
Yet despite that, recent polls indicate that while the GOP might lose the House, they will keep the Senate. What does the GOP have to do to lose the people's trust, kill a baby on live television? By all measures of failure, the GOP have failed, yet they keep getting re-elected, sadly proving the rule of 98%. Regardless of what party is in power, or wanting power, 98% of incumbents getting re-elected is pathetic and an indication of just how ill-informed and lazy the average American voter is.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
John Kerry Thinks Troops Are Stupid?
Unless you have bunkered down in a fall out shelter without radio, you have probably heard about the great "wrong" that John Kerry perpetuated when he dared to indicate that US soldiers are stupid. In times of war, in times of terror, in times of economic unknowns, and many other issues, we have discovered the great horror of the day is non of those, but what a ex-Presidential candidate who isn't even running for office this year, may have said.
Many programs have weighed in but as is often the case The Daily Show does the best job of putting everything in proper perspective by not only showing Kerry's failed joke but the many jokes of the Bush administration that isn't exactly kind to the army, including Rumsfeld's You go to war with the army you got, not the army you want". I wonder if Bush's "just a comma" comment in regards to lost lives counts.
In addition, Keith Olbermann weighed in with another excellent Special Commentary that shows just how silly and at the same time heinous this whole thing is. He does a good job of showing just how horrendous Bush and co have become in the effort to maintain power by any means.
The noise about Kerry forgetting the word "us" in his speech is beyond wrong. Its not the Republicans and Fox News milked the moment. Its that the media and the electorate let them. The mistake was news, but not the near 24/7 coverage it was granted.
However, Bush didn't do himself any favors when he did a special speech on the comment. Here is a man that dodges the press, that took five days to visit New Orleans, that only gives speeches when he has some new law to sign or tax cut to pass, who pretends he is incredibly busy and just doesn't have time for the little things like providing explanations for his policies, yet he has time to bash Kerry.
The there is that synchofant John McCain. For no reason whatsoever, he dove into this "issue" for the face time it would provide. The man who once was the darling of both the Republican's for 2008 and liked by many Democrats, who was considered articulate, intelligent, and honorable. Now he has become something else. Something that will do anything for votes, who will sell his soul and his values (allowing torture) if it will help him become President. He has become something that isn't worry of being President. Its a shame to see his ambition destroy the man that would have been worthy of the title.
Its a sad state of affairs when a mis-spoken joke becomes greater news then any other more horrible events of the day.
Many programs have weighed in but as is often the case The Daily Show does the best job of putting everything in proper perspective by not only showing Kerry's failed joke but the many jokes of the Bush administration that isn't exactly kind to the army, including Rumsfeld's You go to war with the army you got, not the army you want". I wonder if Bush's "just a comma" comment in regards to lost lives counts.
In addition, Keith Olbermann weighed in with another excellent Special Commentary that shows just how silly and at the same time heinous this whole thing is. He does a good job of showing just how horrendous Bush and co have become in the effort to maintain power by any means.
The noise about Kerry forgetting the word "us" in his speech is beyond wrong. Its not the Republicans and Fox News milked the moment. Its that the media and the electorate let them. The mistake was news, but not the near 24/7 coverage it was granted.
However, Bush didn't do himself any favors when he did a special speech on the comment. Here is a man that dodges the press, that took five days to visit New Orleans, that only gives speeches when he has some new law to sign or tax cut to pass, who pretends he is incredibly busy and just doesn't have time for the little things like providing explanations for his policies, yet he has time to bash Kerry.
The there is that synchofant John McCain. For no reason whatsoever, he dove into this "issue" for the face time it would provide. The man who once was the darling of both the Republican's for 2008 and liked by many Democrats, who was considered articulate, intelligent, and honorable. Now he has become something else. Something that will do anything for votes, who will sell his soul and his values (allowing torture) if it will help him become President. He has become something that isn't worry of being President. Its a shame to see his ambition destroy the man that would have been worthy of the title.
Its a sad state of affairs when a mis-spoken joke becomes greater news then any other more horrible events of the day.
Zelda Twilight Princess Trailer
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is coming out November 19th along with the next gen console, Nintendo Wii. Its a slick game I am looking forward to having grown up playing Zelda through all its iterations. Out on YouTube is now a Trailer for the game that isn't half bad and a pretty but whatever video of the title screen intro.
The videos can be seen here.
The videos can be seen here.
iPod Shuffle Disassembled
I received my new iPod shuffle today and listening to This Week in Tech podcast as I type on it. I have to say I am digging it. All the upload of data, power recharge and audio all are performed through the audio jack so two different cords no longer required. Its small size is slick and the engraving on the back is small but looks good. The price is high for just one gig of storage but as an MP3 player its competitive with the rest of the market. Long story short I am glad I ordered it and recommend it for others.
As for a view of the guts of this new device, click here for a step by step with pictures on how to take the new shuffle apart.
As for a view of the guts of this new device, click here for a step by step with pictures on how to take the new shuffle apart.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Wii Updates for Virtual Console
The release of the Nintendo Wii is coming November 19th (got my pre-order in) and Nintendo has finally released more details for the Virtual Console. The plan is to have 30 classic games available by end of 2006 with some of the games modified for use by the Wii-mote. Of note is the games that will be available (for a fee of course) for the Virtual Console stateside versus Japan. For example, Japan is getting Super Mario Bros while the US will have to wait but both will get Legend of Zelda. Especially taking a hit is the Super NES games where Japan is getting a 11 games to US' 2. When the rest of the available classic games will reach the US is unknown.
Also Nintendo indicated that it plans to have at least 32 Wii specific games ready by year's end. I have heard that dance before with the release of the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube so don't hold your breath on it happening. I keep expecting a delay on Zelda as it is considering the company's history.
Click here for a table that shows what games are coming to what country.
Also, gaming-age.com has posted pics of the Wii being unpacked and prepped for play. Nothing spectacular is revealed but for the curious, the pics are here.
Still even with the limited number of classic games available, the release date titles combined with the ability to play Gamecube games means that no one will lack in games to play.
The full list of games expected available by year's end is here.
Also Nintendo indicated that it plans to have at least 32 Wii specific games ready by year's end. I have heard that dance before with the release of the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube so don't hold your breath on it happening. I keep expecting a delay on Zelda as it is considering the company's history.
Click here for a table that shows what games are coming to what country.
Also, gaming-age.com has posted pics of the Wii being unpacked and prepped for play. Nothing spectacular is revealed but for the curious, the pics are here.
Still even with the limited number of classic games available, the release date titles combined with the ability to play Gamecube games means that no one will lack in games to play.
The full list of games expected available by year's end is here.
PS3 Console Preview
Engadget has post a few minute video that gives a brief tour of the physical view of the PlayStation 3 that will be released November 17th. Its a sleek looking, if large device.
The video is here.
The video is here.
Bob Barker Announces Retirement

Bob Barker, the host of the Price is Right for 35 years, has announced his intent to retire in June 2007 from his hosting role that has made him famous and is the familiar face of gameshows for several generations of viewers including myself.
Bob Barker's 50 year career on television began back in 1956 as host of "Truth or Consequences" with his first "Price is Right" hosting duty beginning on September 4th 1972.
CBS plans on having a prime-time special celebrating Price's long live and Bob's long career. The search for a replacement host is in the works but considering how replacements have gone in the past, I expecting a so-so comedian of D level skill set.
While the time is right, enjoy this bit of television history before it comes to a close.
iPod Shuffle Hands On

The iPod Shuffle has finally been shipped, nearly a month after the initial expected release date. The in store date is expected to be Friday November 4th, but for those that pre-ordered at the Apple Store, some of the shuffles have begun to arrive. I am expecting mine tomorrow morning.
Click here for a few pics of the packaging.
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