"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, November 02, 2006

John Kerry Thinks Troops Are Stupid?

Unless you have bunkered down in a fall out shelter without radio, you have probably heard about the great "wrong" that John Kerry perpetuated when he dared to indicate that US soldiers are stupid. In times of war, in times of terror, in times of economic unknowns, and many other issues, we have discovered the great horror of the day is non of those, but what a ex-Presidential candidate who isn't even running for office this year, may have said.

Many programs have weighed in but as is often the case The Daily Show does the best job of putting everything in proper perspective by not only showing Kerry's failed joke but the many jokes of the Bush administration that isn't exactly kind to the army, including Rumsfeld's You go to war with the army you got, not the army you want". I wonder if Bush's "just a comma" comment in regards to lost lives counts.

In addition, Keith Olbermann weighed in with another excellent Special Commentary that shows just how silly and at the same time heinous this whole thing is. He does a good job of showing just how horrendous Bush and co have become in the effort to maintain power by any means.

The noise about Kerry forgetting the word "us" in his speech is beyond wrong. Its not the Republicans and Fox News milked the moment. Its that the media and the electorate let them. The mistake was news, but not the near 24/7 coverage it was granted.

However, Bush didn't do himself any favors when he did a special speech on the comment. Here is a man that dodges the press, that took five days to visit New Orleans, that only gives speeches when he has some new law to sign or tax cut to pass, who pretends he is incredibly busy and just doesn't have time for the little things like providing explanations for his policies, yet he has time to bash Kerry.

The there is that synchofant John McCain. For no reason whatsoever, he dove into this "issue" for the face time it would provide. The man who once was the darling of both the Republican's for 2008 and liked by many Democrats, who was considered articulate, intelligent, and honorable. Now he has become something else. Something that will do anything for votes, who will sell his soul and his values (allowing torture) if it will help him become President. He has become something that isn't worry of being President. Its a shame to see his ambition destroy the man that would have been worthy of the title.

Its a sad state of affairs when a mis-spoken joke becomes greater news then any other more horrible events of the day.

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