"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Nancy Grace Sued by Duckett Family

The parents of Melinda Duckett has decided to sue CNN's Nancy Grace for causing the suicide of Melinda Duckett. Nancy has previously sandbagged Melinda on her live television show, pretty much accusing her of killing her own child. An event that she was innocent of. Not that facts or even information of any kind means anything to Nancy Grace.

She is a vile human being that has no business being on television as her repugant form of punditry is based on nothing more then whatever sensationalism will get her attention. There is no low blow she isn't willing to go after. Deciding that Melinda Duckett was a murderer, based on nothing more then the police simply doing their job of investigating possible suspect is par the course for this women. She needs no evidence, no facts, nada to rant about her version of the "truth." If the police are investigating someone, that someone must be guilty. That's all the proof she needs and people find this acceptable.

Before this little stunt, she tried to draw out explicit sexual details from Elizabeth Smart on live television. Unlike most of Grace's guest, Smart has the youth to call Nancy on her behavior, reminding her she was there to support a law before Congress, this added with unfettered expressions of disgust.

In fact the vileness of Grace even goes into her own history, where she lies and exaggerates about her credentials as a victim of crime, something she hammers on a regular basis as if this makes here a sudden authority on all things. Her story is her finance Keith Griffin was the victim of a career criminal during a robbery where justice prevailed (in her mind, due to her tireless efforts) as the criminal is now serving a life sentence after days of deliberations and years of appeals.

Turns out the random criminal was 19, had no prior convictions and was a co-worker of Griffen. Also the criminal confessed that evening to the crime and the jury convicted in hours, not days. While Nancy claims she chose not to peruse the death penalty, it was the prosecutors that made that decision, as the killer was mildly retarded. Also no appeals have been filed.

Long story short, in every detail of this pivotal sob story of Nancy Grace's life, she exaggerates and outright lies about the story to gain credibility and sympathy. If she lies about something as important as this, the death of a finance, is there really nothing she is not capable of for attention. CNN should fire her and remove the stain of this women from their station.

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