"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Olbermann: To Bush, The Lessons of Vietnam

Keith Olbermann strikes again on his Countdown program with his "Special Comment" that takes Bush to task for Bush's apparently complete lack of reality and historic perspective. Bush recently traveled to Vietnam and apparently the lesson he took from the Vietnam War is "We'll succeed unless we quit." Keith, of course, feels there are many more lessons that could be learned from the war and runs through them in usual bombastic and clear headed fashion. Sadly, this simpleton view that Bush persists in taking on everything is a large part of the reason he will probably go down in history as one of the worse Presidents the United States has ever had. This is why the American public needs to learn that we don't want "everyman" as President but instead want the smartest, wisest man in the room as the President.

The video is here.

1 comment:

  1. If I'm not mistaken there's at least three kinds of Arabs in Iraq. The Sunni's, the Sheities (I don't know the correct spelling and don't want to offend anyone by incorrect spelling), and the Kurds. Actually there's probably more than that. And even if they do form a stable democracy. What's to stop them from voting in a Islamic government after we leave. Didn't Germany vote after creating the Weimar Repuplic vote in Hitler. Bush keeps giving us this simple picture of Iraq when the reality is totally different.
