"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Officially the Iraq Civil War?

NBC has broke the press oath of Bush loyalty in regards to Iraq and officially announced on the Today Show yesterday that the Iraq is in a Civil War and the channels of NBC will begin to refer to it as such. Even Colin Powell, who destroyed his political career by siding with Bush, has said Iraq is in a Civil War. The White House, of course, doesn't like this term and have decided to call it secretarian violence in recent speeches. I am not sure of the definition is that no "official" definition exists. Tried google, yahoo, and Webster's, all blank on the word secretarian. I think that word means violence by different sects in Iraq all vying for control of the country. Which sounds like another way of defining a Civil War. Have to love the White House and their love for the semantics. Apparently its lawyers, not Bush, running the country.

Obviously Fox News will never under any circumstances call declare Iraq is in a Civil War until the President does, but what about the other news channels? Will CNN, ABC etc follow NBC's footsteps? If so when and what will be the reason for the change? Increased violence? Grab for ratings? In the end its really interesting how much effort is put into labeling things for Iraq while at the same time not really doing much investigation on what is occurring in Iraq up to the war and during the War by the Bush Administration and the various companies hired to rebuild such as Haliburton. How many more deaths before we leave Iraq to the Iraqi people to determine its future for ill or for not.

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