"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Monday, January 21, 2008

Indiana Jones Trailer Valentine's Day Love and Other Links

Paramount has confirmed that the official release day of the teaser trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be Feburary 14, 2008. Probably the trailer will be attached to The Spiderwick Chronicles since its the only major Paramount release for the month.

In other links of note:
Format War Summary - Sums up the where and whys of the current HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray format war. Personally since I don't own an HD TV, I will stick with my DVDs.

Bush's Economic Rebate Plan No Biggie - Experts pretty much agree that Bush's love of the rebate and tax cut isn't enough to help the economy. No duh. The problem isn't a few hundred in taxes, the problem is thousands over the year in increased energy, food, and other costs of living with virtually no change in wages. If you want to see a viable plan, come up with something that will increase the value of the dollar and encourage consumer spending (such as wage increases and job stability). As it stands thngs are just too unstable for people to do anything but meet cost of living requirements and pay off debt (neither of which stimulate the economy).

Illustrated History of Scientology - If you want to know why people make fun of Scientologists, check out the site. The music is loud and sadly can't be cut off so hit that mute button first. After seeing this, you may wonder why they believe and my opinion is this history isn't common knowledge among Scientologists. I think the information is held back until the upper (and incredibly expensive to reach) levels of the religion. For the average Scientologist, they are told this is all lies and not to be believed and since most can not afford to reach the top levels of the religion, they are never informed that the "lies" are really truth. I compare it to being told the Body of Christ and the Holy Trinity for Catholicism. If your very first exposure to that religion was those two things, you would laugh your rear off but usually it isn't.

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