"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Giuliani's Florida Trouble

Giuliani, the once leading Republican nominee for President, is now seeing his chances of even being Vice President get dashed away as he is fallen from 1st to 3rd place in polls for Florida. His campaign has been bleeding with top workers agreeing to forgo pay in the effort to win the state. Simply put, its Florida or Bust for Giuliani and so far things are not looking bright.

The "vote for the winner" phenom continues as McCain now has the poll lead in Florida. Its like I keep saying, people vote less on the issues and more on who they think will win. Don't get me wrong, I am relieved that Rudy "9/11" Ghouliani will hopefully be out of the race by next Wednesday.

I think that history will mark the moment Joe Biden's comment on 10/30 debate (video below) as the beginning of the end for Giuliani when he said "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence: a noun, and a verb and 9/11. There is nothing else.".

His "9/11 Tourette's" is probably the one thing that killed any chance of his becoming president as his frequent and random use of the phrase in places it simply didn't belong actually made a joke of using the phrase "9/11". He made it a joke and even worse after people pretty much told him he was overdoing it, he continued with the behavior. We already have a bull in the China shop who refused to admit error with Bush, and one thing Ghouliani proved is he was truly Bush the Sequel.

If South Carolina truly cares about this nation, they will not vote for Ghouliani as this country already has suffered under 8 years of Bush, and can't afford another 4.

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