"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edwards, Guiliani Out, Nader In?

With Super Tuesday coming up, the list of viable candidates just got shorter. After yesterday's showing and running out of funds, Rudy Giuliani and John Edwards have called it quits for their campaigns. In the wings, Ralph Nader is now debating a comeback.
This afternoon, Rudy "9/11 Tourette's" Giuliani ended his campaign for the Republican presidential nominee and officially endorsed John McCain, the current front runner, citing "This is a man who is prepared to be president." Clearly he is hoping to get a cabinet position or the like but hopefully McCain knows he is too stupid and dangerous to give that kind of power to.

Citing inability to garner media attention and consistently in last place behind Obama and Clinton, Senator John Edwards also ended his run early today. He has not yet endorsed a candidate. It’s sad to see Edwards go but he wasn't going to win this time. Sadly the media is so busy conjuring their various stories about Clinton and Obama that most of the time they seemed to forget Edwards was running. Without the support of mass media (in good or bad terms) any chance to be elected goes out the door.

In addition to all the above, Ralph Nader has indicated he may once again try to run for president. I actually like a lot of views the man has, but at after 2000 he has just proven to be destructive then helpful. It can be easily argued that thanks to him fracturing 10% of the democratic vote in the 2000 election, he helped inflict 8 years of Bush on the world. If he had checked his enormous ego and endorsed Gore as everyone advised him to do, this world might have been a better or at least less war torn place. Hopefully this idea is just a pipe dream and he doesn't try and repeat 2000.

Now the choice in nominees has gotten just a bit simpler. For the Democrats it’s really a case of do you want you bumper sticker to say Clinton / Obama or Obama / Clinton. For the Republicans, it’s still a bit harder but comes down to McCain, Romney or Huckabee.

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