"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Da Vinci Code Worldwide Protests

Christan groups all over the world are doing whatever they can to prevent the playing of the "The Da Vinci Code" using the courts and protests. In South Korea a judge had to strike down an injunction attempt to prevent it from being played in theatres in the country. In Thailand, Christan groups demanded the film get edited. In India and Singapore, they are going for an outright ban. Athens, Greece had a simple protest. Phillippine censors gave it the equilivant of an R rating. Amazingly, American groups are simply going for the open hand approach figuring anything that strikes debate can only help the Christan cause. It seems to be the Christians in other countries could make use of that example.

For people of the faith, they seem to display a remarkable lack of faith in its ability to withstand a few ideas and questions raised by a fictional film.

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