"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

E3 '06: Games

Lots of games info now flowing out of E3 now that the name console presentations are done. The highlights that interest me anyway:

- 23 new DS games announced.
- Super Paper Mario for GameCube - Peach and Bowser now playable. Trailer here. Screenshots here.
- Star Fox for the DS - Apparently the touch pad is used to draw routes for teammates to take and attack from. So a pseudo-computer based co-op play.
- Sonic Wild Fire for Wii - Apparently very fast and potentially a hit
- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii - Innovative use of the Wi-mote could make this a new landmark in the Zelda series.
- Golden Axe for PS3 and 360 - The return of the 8-bit title for the next gen consoles. Probably will be the usual beat em up with purty new graphics.
- God of War 2 for the PS2 - The PS2 is not dead yet and this title proves it.
- Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii - Mix Super Mario 64 style play, big round globes, usual Mario fun and the Wii-mote for thie probably must have title.
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Just like the other Prime titles only now have the Wii-mote to make aiming and shooting funner.
- Blue Dragon for the 360 - Next gen console plus dragons. Has to be at least interesting.
- Metal Gear Solid 4 for PS3 - Click link for little info about title and Silent Hill PSP title.

Zapper Attachment for Wii - Basically makes the Wii-mote look like a zapper gun, probably very useful for Metroid Prime 3 Hunters.

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