Justice League a Go - After multiple false starts related to budget, casting and the Writer's Strike, it appears that Warner Bros has finally signed off on a live action Justice League movie. The script is from Kieran and Michele Mulroney and will be directed by George Miller with shooting occurring in Australia. The plan is to have the movie come out in summer 2009. Good news I guess but WB's ability to exploit their characters in an effective and good manner is spotty at best so my hopes are low. Ultimately I don't think WB management "gets" comics and so they just don't take the properties seriously and it shows in the final work (and no, one good Batman movie isn't proof of a turnaround in management think).
Food and Gas Increases - CNN reports how the cost of food and energy is squeezing consumers and reducing disposable income. Even worse, experts believe that gas will climb up to $4.00 a gallon by spring. Considering that Exxon is continuing to enjoy record profits ($40 billion last quarter), it doesn't really surprise me since greed begats more greed. So while the republicans continue to ignore fears of a recession, news like this doesn't do anything to make me believe them.
WGA Contract Approved - The strike has already ended but now the new contract has been approved by 93.6% of the WGA membership. So ends a work stoppage environment until June (when SAG contract expires) or three years from now when the DGA and WGA new contracts expire.
Battlestar Galatica Season 4 Spoilers - Canada's Hypaspace aired a five minute advertisement where the cast briefly teases and shows images from the upcoming season of BSG season 4. Video below. The show is excellent and highly recommend. Doesn't hurt that the stunning Grace Parks is a cast member.
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