The article is very careful to not outright state it as fact, instead going with "convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself." It is the usual adding "alleged" to a sentence on the assumption it makes it all right. Similar to saying the "alleged murderer," the stain sticks whether a true statement or not.
The fallout has now begun with the 24 news networks making as much hay out of the article as possible. While amusing to watch as they desperately want to prove the allegation true so they will have fodder for the next few weeks but instead must engage in careful word choice to fuel the speculation while not at the same time confirming it. This careful use of words is a dance the media thrives on while avoiding their own culpability in this behavior of grandstanding and false statements.
Could the allegation be true? I think he probably did cheat on her. It fits really. Just like few doubted that Clinton/Lewinsky scandal when they first it. No facts but it seems right. He clearly likes them young, youthful looking and blond. Vicki damn near looks like a younger version of his wife. Republicans already have a history of cheating and corruption and he is a man in power. Temptation is probably everywhere. The Huffington Post is tracking the story and has several links that may even confirm the story.
I don't like John McCain (anymore). I don't think he would make a fit president. Whether the story is true or not, I just don't care. I don't think changing the discussion to the possibility of him cheating on his wife rather then the issues and problems facing this country is a good thing. McCain possibly cheating on his wife is not a measure of his ability to run the country. That can be better measured with his policies, broken promises and actions. Something the media loathes to discuss because it is not as sexy.
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