"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Friday, February 01, 2008

Olberman Special Comment: FISA and Telecom Immunity

Keith Olbermann once again nails Bush against the wall for his continued incompetence. This time in regards to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which Bush wants it extended but with retroactive immunity for the telecoms who cooperated with breaking the law by spying on American's. The name of the law has foreign in it, yet it’s mostly been used to spy on American's against pretty much every law and right out there. Of course Bush doesn't care, he has a legacy to find and the US Constitution is just a guideline of no consequence. As Olbermann put it, "President Bush has put protecting the telecom giants from the laws… ahead of protecting you from the terrorists." Be sure to watch the video below and you can find a transcript here.

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