Maximus Keyboard Demo - The very expensive Maximus Keyboard is out and Engadget has posted a preliminary review of the keyboard. The keyboard uses OLED to display what each key, which you can program, will do. Perfect if you use a lot of shortcut keys for various programs or love online games. Based on the video below, its looks impressive but its price is high. Its something to keep an eye out on though because OLED displays and TV's is considered the next wave, but so new that its going to take a few years before it hit the mass producing mainstream that results in price drops.
Sprint Customer Service Go Boom - Apparently Sprint is hemorrhaging customers do to no longer focusing on customer service but instead just watching the bottom line and stats. Its something I have seen occurs first hand the sad reality is most companies don't seem to learn the lessons. They pay it lip service, but usually they just think the reports are not good enough or numbers just need to be improved. It’s rarely about improving something as difficult to count as actually pleasing the customer.
Las Vegas Cancelled - Sadly it appears that NBC is going to cancel Las Vegas. Considering it was dumped to Fridays I figured this was the final season but I am very angry that NBC isn't giving the show the chance to complete the season so can have a true series finale. It’s earned the opportunity. Even more, with DVD sets and the like, I as a customer would be incredibly angry to pay for the sets and have it end on a freaking cliffhanger. It’s a horrible way to treat your viewers much less the production crew and cast. NBC and its properties is famous for doing it and more and more, as a result I just don't bother to watch NBC programs figuring that they could get cancelled at any time for any reason so why bother getting attached.
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