Menazir Bhutto's Party Wins - Assassinated Menazir Bhutto's party has successfully defeated currently leader's Pervez Musharraf's party to possibly gain control of the control. This assumes that Musharraf will give it up willingly which many doubt considering his rise was the direct result of a coup back in 1999. The defeat can probably be tied directly into the assassination by creating a martyr for the people to support. To bad Musharraf wasn't enough of a student of history to know that assassinations don't work in a democracy. He could have used the political process of smears and lies to turn people on Bhutto's party but once dead she became a perfect angel representing the perfect party. You can't smear or hope to defeat that.
What Price The Quest for McCain - A blog posts that pretty much summarizes the many reasons I no longer trust McCain and feel he is no longer fit for President. I would have supported him back in 2000. Now I wonder if the US didn't dodge an even more dangerous president when Bush beat him in the primaries. He is "dangerously flawed" and you don't have to look any further then his support of torture to know this when he willingly ceded "...a personal principle the he need only look at his scarred body to realize it's terrible impact?" You may not like Hillary or Obama, but McCain is simply unfit to be President of even the local PTA.
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