"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Destro, GTAIV Records, Scientology Babies, and Allison Mack

GI Joe "Exclusives" - Released to multiple websites is "exclusive" photos of the various characters in the upcoming GI Joe movie in their costumes. Pretty good overall. It appears the studio just created a short list of sites and sent to each a single Joe character to premiere. Actually most have been out for a while but Destro (left) is new.

Grand Theft Auto IV Records - The game has created more then a few media moneymaking milestones that probably have the movie and music industry drooling. In the first week of release the game raked in $500 million, $310 million sold on its first day.

Scientology and Babies - Basically the cult is crazy. The think shows a brief interview with Leah Remini who talks about bottle feeding her 3 year old who guzzles down 6 of them a night. The baby formula is a Scientology special of barley water, homogenized milk and sugar heavy honey. This formula is from the cult’s creator himself after a time travel trip to ancient Rome. So basically, if you advocate this formula, you believe that the man traveled in child. Any case the child is probably on hyper mode all day long as a result before crashing at night and will likely have teeth problems in the future. The really bad part is giving honey to children before the age of one is considered dangerous because of the risk of botulism. So there you go, another day, another story of Scientology craziness.

Allison Mack Leaving Smallville? - The stunning beauty and faze of mine might be leaving Smallville. With the exit of Michael Rosenbaum and Kristen Kreuk, apparently she and her management team are taking advantage of the increased importance her character will likely have by asking for more dough. The studio is balking though because its show's final season and ratings have been declining to new lows making the move not entirely worthwhile financially. For me, I find these money games really annoying as often these actors make more in an episode then I take home in any given year or years of work. As a result I am torn on who to support. Hopefully things will get worked out because I don't know if I want a Smallville without a dose of Mack in it.

Fatalities Modified for Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe - Oddly enough, it looks like fatalities will remain for the announced game. I figured DC would balk at the idea and have them removed but apparently they will just be toned down instead. More likely they will be less bloody and not fatal. IE, the title of the finishing moves will remain but not their violent intent. Anyway, for a nice walk down Fatality memory lane, click the link for video collection of the deadly moves.

1 comment:

  1. Smallville is suffering sagging ratings, Michael Rosenbaum will not be returning in season 8, and now TV guide is reporting that Allison Mack, who portrays Chloe Sullivan, maybe leaving over contract negotiations. Chloe Sullivan is Clark Kent’s long time confidant, popular know it all can do anything heroin, and one of only a handful of characters who knows Clarks super secret identity.

    Smallville may need to hold on to Allison, but only because the writers or producers seem stuck in the past. For years now Smallville has retreated again and again to storylines about meteor freaks (humans mutated by Kryptonite) and the tired moral message that keeping secrets is bad (sometimes secrets save us).
