Story Behind Nick Fury's Iron Man Appearance - Check the link to learn a little behind the scenes tidbits on the Ultimate Nick Fury appearance at the end of Iron Man. Turns out the end was scripted by none other then current Avengers writer Brian Bendis. Also the appearance was in the works over a year and also a "brain trust" of comics writers where assembled to critique the script and improve it. One result of this was replacing the Mandarin (too soon) with Obadiah Stane as the main villain. Considering the critical acclaim the movie is receiving it pretty much proves what comics fans have been saying...that yes those writers are worth tapping for ideas and ways to improve their movies.

ISP Throttle Test - Comcast and other ISPs are suspected of throttling BitTorrent traffic. Use the link above to run the 7 minute test that emulates the BitTorrent protocol to see if it triggers whatever rules that the ISP may have and reports back the results. Be sure to read the site for more information and caveats.
When Is Your Stimulus Check Coming? - Click the link, provide SSN, status and exceptions and you can check when your check is coming. If don't want to provide that information, click here for the breakdown of dates based on last two digits of your SSN.
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