Iron Man 2, Avengers and Marvel Movie Plans - Marvel released its 2008 1st quarter numbers and with that report is its movie plans over the next three years. Ant-Man has a writer/director. Punisher is planned for December 5th release. Wolverine for May 1st, 2009. Iron Man 2 is slated for April 30, 2010. Thor for June 4, 2010. Captain America will come May 6, 2011 and finally The Avengers in July 2011. It’s pretty clear that Marvel plans on pulling off a very ambitious plan of a shared universe carried over across multiple movies that all come together with the Avengers. Something that Warner Bros simply is incapable of pulling off because of the many many cooks they have in their kitchen that are not able to take advantage of their DC properties in the same way. The idiots.
CNET Review Analyzed - Report that summarizes all of CNET reviews from 2007. The overall theme is that CNET goes right in the middle for most of its products, giving 96% of them a score of 5.0-8.9. To break it down further 41.8% of their reviews gave scores in the 7's and 18.6 in the 8's. Very view received a near 10 or a near 0 score. Basically it seems CNET likes most products and considers many "average" even though a score of 7 or 8 is considered "Very Good" by CNET. Its seems to be that CNET is striving to provide a decent review while not offending potential advertisers so giving most objects an average score achieves this.
Exterme Maximizing Space - Bunch of pics of how people have learned to maximize their space for small apartments and the like. Very creative.

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