"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Friday, May 23, 2008

McBush, Rovem and Recount

Carl Rove Subpoenaed - The house actually did something interesting, it subpoenaed Karl Rove to try and learn what happened with the strange firing of those US Attorneys a few years ago. A time when, despite laws to the contrary, Rove and the White House also suddenly lost millions of emails that might have revealed information on the subject. People pretend nothing was going on but the lack of honesty on the subject suggest otherwise. Sadly I doubt Rove's testimony will reveal anything, more then likely he will do the "I do not remember" type thing, invoke executive privilege, or simple plead the fifth.

John McCain Rejects John Hagee - McBush after harassing Obama about his Wright connections, after warnings from Jon Stewart, after literally two years of ass kissing and kow-towing to the base, finally got the support of Christian nutter John Hagee. After aggressively getting him, McBush flip-flopped (remember this is bad according to Republicans) once again and decided he rejected the Pastor for his hate speech. Hate speech the man has been slinging for decades but apparently McCain was willing to ignore as long as the press was. Once again, Republican = hypocrite. Anytime McBush's team brings up Wright, they need to hammer back relentlessly with Hagee. Make it so bringing up the subject at all is damaging for both and therefore not worth bringing it up for either.

McCain Attack Obama on Military Record - McBush, king flip-flopper, has decided to attack Obama for his lack of military service. This comes after he said he wouldn't do such a thing when Kerry tried to use his record as a selling point back in 2004. As is often the case, for McBush its do as I say not as I do. I still maintain that McBush's flipping on torture because he caved way back when. Considering his personal experience on being tortured during Vietnam, he could be called an expert. His expert opinion can only be based on his personal experience. Since he says torture works, then I can only assume that torture worked on him. That could be forgiven except McCain entire career is built on his POW status and how he held up to the torture when clearly he did not. Is there anything about the man that is real?

HBO's Recount - Broadcasting on HBO Sunday at 9PM is a movie that retells the 2000 election debacle from various points of view. They tried to avoid the conspiracies of the situation and stick with the facts (of which most of the participants agree was successful), but I think Harris was paid off with a House seat (which she later lost). I also find the use of the word "recount" to be factually incorrect since the whole thing was about avoid a recount. The Democrats wanted one, the Republicans didn't. Everyone claims the whole thing was on the up and up but please, if that was the case then a recount would have simply confirmed what the Republicans already believed. Clearly they thought they would lose and so blocked something that should have occurred automatically and without questioning. The whole thing is a farce and just an indication that the corruption of the party over the last few years was just more of the same from the Republican Party.

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