iPhone Sold out? - News is coming out that the iPhone is no long available online in the US or UK from Apple. This seems to give credence to the rumor that the famed phone will get a G3 update after Apple's June 10th press conference. Personally I am just hoping the iPod Touch gets a price drop/memory upgrade. Doing business with AT&T is something I want to avoid unless they somehow manage to break company history is produce a deal to good to pass up.
The Happy Birthday Copyright False? - A new report is coming out that the $2 million a year copyright for the Happy Birthday song may no longer be valid. It seems the owners, Mildred and Patti Hill, may have pulled one over the RIAA and MPAA when claiming the copyright which has never been contested in court. Just further proof to me that copyright, patents, and other claims to ownership of ideas is fundamentally broken.
Stephen Colbert "Webby Person of the Year" - It has been announced that the man has one the award. The reason is for his use of the internet, from "truthiness" to Facebook, his use of websites for raising funds for charity. The awards are giving out by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences on June 10th in New York's Museum of American Finance. Personally I am looking forward to see how has fun with the victory.
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