The story is basically a typical sports movie...the hero (Speed Racer) overcomes some obstacles (evil corporate CEO and henchmen) to win the championship with the help of his friends and family. We all know the story, we all know the beginning, we know the end, so its the journey we get into and the journey in this film is a lot of fun with amazing eye candy (the films's look), the action (the races are tense and gorgeous) and just fantastic effects and execution.
This is also a family film, in the Disney tradition with a kid and a monkey that adults will find annoying while the kids will love. Ultimately that is something to remember...this is a family film which means you have to go in with the proper mindset. If you’re looking for the Matrix, of course you’re going to be disappointed. Go in looking for a Disney film and you will enjoy this film. Go in with your family and you will enjoy it even more.
Sadly this film is getting the bums rush because of a poorly executed advertising campaign that was more turn off then turn on. I saw the film because I figured it can't be as bad as the advertisements made it seem (thankfully I was right). Whoever put that campaign together should be fired because it does absolutely nothing to capture that fun of the film. Really two different campaigns should have been launched, once for the kids (focus on the looks, colors, etc) and one for the adults (focus on the actors and action). Also, they should have done a Disney and made sure that the critics that saw this movie came with their kids and see the movie as a family. If they had done that, the reviews would have probably been much more favorable and drowned out the childless critics that simply didn't get it.
See this movie before all others; I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
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