"An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted." - Arthur Miller

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Hobbit, CGI in Indy, Star Trek Bosses, and K-Mart Confessions

The Hobbit Pre-production Begins - Variety is reporting that pre-production on the films have begun, which in this case mostly means getting a script written. The writers are assumed to be the Lord of the Rings team of Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens but that has not been confirmed. Also, del Toro has indicated he is hoping that Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis will return for the movies.

CGI in Indiana Jones 4 - Article that describes the use of computer imagery in the 4th Indy film which is a huge departure from the practical effects that use to be done in the other movies.

7 Bad Bosses According to Star Trek - A funny breakdown of the various "command" styles in the Star Trek universe and how to handle them if you meet them in the real world. Kirk is the "bully", which in hindsight is accurate.

10 K-Mart Confessions - A store manager breaks down why K-Mart comes across as such a bad shopping and customer service experience. What it all comes down to is lack of money. The stores are not given the money to train, to repair, to give raises, and to hire enough staff. It’s a bare bones operation that is treated as the red-headed stepchild of Sears corporate and it shows.

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