Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of Tony Stark as a flippant wealthy genius is spot on and very entertaining. He isn't as serious as the character has grown in the comic books but that is a good thing. The movie is supposed to be fun, not deadly serious. Gwyneth Paltrow as his assistant Pepper Potts has simply never looked better. She should consider sticking with that look for a while. The character itself is engaging and used much better then the love interest characters are typically used for these types of movies. Really the cast overall does their jobs and do it well.
From effects, to story, to locations, to just the overall execution, this film is what a summer blockbuster is supposed to be. I can't wait for the sequel. As a side note, make sure to stick it out through the credits as an interesting extra scene has been added. I rate this film as see it now on the big screen.
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