Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Newsweek Cover Story Missing Critical Poll Results
The story offers historical perspective and previous historic groundwork for such a Presidential run but of course offers no real conclusions. Its a good question to ask but considering the focus of the article is on Obama and Clinton, isn't a poll that Newsweek conducted in regards to them asking who Americans would most like to see as President relevant to the discussion? Especially in light of the results indicating that at least 50% say yes for Hillary, 32% for Obama and 43% for McCain.
The poll in effect says yes America might be ready, yet its goes unpublished. Newsweek may view it as unrelated the cover story but how can it not be. I think some of the blogs see some bias, I think its just business. You have a cover story asking if America can handle a women or black President and then publish a poll that says "yep they can" it kind of makes the whole article and its cover (which helps sell the magazine) kind of moot point. In effect, reading the article becomes a waste of time. The Clinton camp has asked for an explanation, I doubt they will get one.
Friday, December 15, 2006
New Star Trek Animated Series?

Trek Movie is reporting that CBS may produce a new Star Trek animated series set in the year 2528. The series would mimic Star Wars: The Clone Saga cartoons that aired on Cartoon Network where each episode was about 6 minutes long. Whether the stories connect as those did into one larger story is not indicated.
The series takes place 150 years after Star Trek Nemesis, and about 60 years after a second Romulan War that has left the Federation devastated and fractured do to the conflict ripping holes in subspace preventing warp travel in large areas. In addition, Andoria is destroyed, Vulcans have left the Federation and the Klingon homeworld, Kronos, is still recovering from Romulan occupation. The protagonists of the whole will be Captain Alexander Chase and his crew of the Enterprise who hope to return the Federation to its glory days.
The full details are here.
Shriek The Third Teaser Trailer
click here to view the QuickTime trailer. Hopefully it will pop-up on youtube.com soon.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
John McCain Declaring War on Blogs?
The highlights of the bill according to the article:
– Commercial websites and personal blogs “would be required to report illegal images or videos posted by their users or pay fines of up to $300,000.”
– Internet service providers (ISPs) are already required to issue such reports, but under McCain’s legislation, bloggers with comment sections may face “even stiffer penalties” than ISPs.
— Social networking sites will be forced to take “effective measures” — such as deleting user profiles — to remove any website that is “associated” with a sex offender. Sites may include not only Facebook and MySpace, but also Amazon.com, which permits author profiles and personal lists, and blogs like DailyKos, which allows users to sign up for personal diaries.
I am hoping this information is exaggerated or incorrect. Considering that blogs have been credited with changing the political climate against Republicans, this could be an attempt to help smooth some of the bumps for his Presidential run. However, the odds of such a bill passing committee seems remote and he has to know this so that alone makes one wonder at its validity of the existence of this bill.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Amanda Congdon On ABCNews.com Review
Despite the vast resources and money that ABC News offers, the first (and only show to be fair) indicates that Amanda has not grown at all as a performer (for lack of a better word) using the same tired tricks that she used on Rocketboom. The same wip pans, camera jerks, jokes and stories that where Amanda's bread and butter are being repeated for this new show. She literally has taken everything she did and developed in style over at RocketBoom and just repeated it here. Nothing new has been added except an increased budget, but that increased budget has been used poorly.
In its current form, the vblog appears to be a pass but hopefully that will change as the possibilities exist for this video blog simply because its on ABCNews.com. The real question is will Amanda learn, grow and tap the possibilities or just stay in her safe place she has grown accustomed to. Time will tell.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Some Funny Video
Another video is the cast of Scrubs, a great show on NBC, dubbing over an edited version of "A Charlie Brown Christmas." They more or less follow the story line of the story but its dubbed as the characters of Scrubs with their names and personality quirks. Its funny and well done.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
James Kim of CNET, TechTV, Dead at 35

CNN.com reports that James Kim has been found dead in the Oregon wilderness, likely do to exposure to the cold. His family disappeared over the Thanksgiving weekend after a snow storm hit the area he was traveling too for a vacation. A large hunt involving the national guard, local police and even a satellite was in effect that ended at 3:03pm when his body was found. James was attempting to seek help for his trapped wife and children. He may be best known by many for his work on TechTV's The Screensavers and was a tech editor for CNET.com.
James Kim
August 9, 1971 - c. December 6, 2006
Update: An update reports that an autopsy determined Kim died due to exposure and hypothermia but exactly when was not determined. In addition, CNET has posted an "In Memoriam" video and article about Kim that might be worth reading.
I am going to be interested in how This Week in Tech handles this tragic event as Kim got his start with the gang on the Screensavers on TechTV. I remember watching many of his early on screen reports. He used to run the show's "lab". Moved to a slight on screen presence with the video comments from viewers, sometimes introducing those, and finally started doing reviews and reports for the show. It was always interesting watching him as he never seemed 100% comfortable on camera but clearly enjoyed the toys he got to play with. He basically had a dream job, knew it, and that joy came through on camera.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Olbermann Special Commentary to Gingrich
Keith Olbermann last night did another "Special Commentary" on this entire issue, taking Gingrich to task for his words, reminding him once again, as its seems to be a constant with Republicans of late, that there is more to America then fear.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Officially the Iraq Civil War?
Obviously Fox News will never under any circumstances call declare Iraq is in a Civil War until the President does, but what about the other news channels? Will CNN, ABC etc follow NBC's footsteps? If so when and what will be the reason for the change? Increased violence? Grab for ratings? In the end its really interesting how much effort is put into labeling things for Iraq while at the same time not really doing much investigation on what is occurring in Iraq up to the war and during the War by the Bush Administration and the various companies hired to rebuild such as Haliburton. How many more deaths before we leave Iraq to the Iraqi people to determine its future for ill or for not.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Nancy Grace Sued by Duckett Family
She is a vile human being that has no business being on television as her repugant form of punditry is based on nothing more then whatever sensationalism will get her attention. There is no low blow she isn't willing to go after. Deciding that Melinda Duckett was a murderer, based on nothing more then the police simply doing their job of investigating possible suspect is par the course for this women. She needs no evidence, no facts, nada to rant about her version of the "truth." If the police are investigating someone, that someone must be guilty. That's all the proof she needs and people find this acceptable.
Before this little stunt, she tried to draw out explicit sexual details from Elizabeth Smart on live television. Unlike most of Grace's guest, Smart has the youth to call Nancy on her behavior, reminding her she was there to support a law before Congress, this added with unfettered expressions of disgust.
In fact the vileness of Grace even goes into her own history, where she lies and exaggerates about her credentials as a victim of crime, something she hammers on a regular basis as if this makes here a sudden authority on all things. Her story is her finance Keith Griffin was the victim of a career criminal during a robbery where justice prevailed (in her mind, due to her tireless efforts) as the criminal is now serving a life sentence after days of deliberations and years of appeals.
Turns out the random criminal was 19, had no prior convictions and was a co-worker of Griffen. Also the criminal confessed that evening to the crime and the jury convicted in hours, not days. While Nancy claims she chose not to peruse the death penalty, it was the prosecutors that made that decision, as the killer was mildly retarded. Also no appeals have been filed.
Long story short, in every detail of this pivotal sob story of Nancy Grace's life, she exaggerates and outright lies about the story to gain credibility and sympathy. If she lies about something as important as this, the death of a finance, is there really nothing she is not capable of for attention. CNN should fire her and remove the stain of this women from their station.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Olbermann: To Bush, The Lessons of Vietnam
The video is here.
Legend of Zelda Retrospective

Game Trailers has posted a 6 part retrospective of the Legend of Zelda series that does an excellent job of covering the 20 year old series. If don't have the time, check out part 6 of the retrospective that does an excellent job of trying to figure out the time of line all the titles of the series.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Spider-Man 3 Trailer Online
Venom doesn't make an appearance but Eddie Brock, Sandman, Green Goblin II, and Gwen Stacy do. Looks like its going to be a great movie to watch.
Comedy Central Blog Scoops National Media On Rumsfeld
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Democrats Take the Senate
Update: Allen concedes, Webb declared winner. Democrats have Senate by 1 (including Liebermann).
Ronald Rumsfeld Quits As Secretary of Defense
2006 Election: Democrats Returned to Power
In an amazing night, the Dems overcame expectations, taking the House of Representatives, Governor count, and is very close to either tie in the Senate or taking over the Senate with a current count of 50 seats with 1 undecided which shows a small Democrat lead.
Of doubt by many is why this turnaround. Iraq played a large part in this but it seems that really the corruption of the Republicans seems to have been the tipping point that cost them everything. DeLay, Santorum, Foley, and several others are turned Democrat. The cost of allowing the power and money to corrupt as been and end of the Republican reign in Congress. A reign that lasted only a brief 12 years to Democrats previous 30 years.
The lesson I want to take from this is fear is no longer the effective tool that Republicans are accustomed to. Since the 50's be it McCarthyism, Korea, nuclear bombs, Vietnam, Russians, and now Terrorism, Republicans have allows used fear as a major means of control. They hammer fear over and over and finally the people said enough. Fear is not enough. A strong policy is needed. Strong leadership is needed. Actions rather then words. Democrats are now in power, Bush is a lame duck president. They have an opportunity hear, lets hope its not wasted.
The final question is the Senate, so goes Virginia, so goes control of the Senate.
D Webb 1,169,285 50%
R Allen* 1,162,577 49%
A difference of only 6,708 botes with 995 of the precincts reporting.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Bush Admits Iraq War for Oil
Keith Olbermann provided a Special Comment on this that is worth seeing. He has just as outrage a view and adds an interesting point, with all the various excuses on the war, is Bush just making it up as he goes?
Transcript and video is here.
No Paper Trails in Voting
The entire voting process as it stands is own faith alone. Faith in the hardware, faith in the programming, faith in the process of handling the date, faith in the poll workers, faith in the lack of corruption of anyone involved. Thanks to the lack of oversight, lack of a trail, thanks to the electronic age, all it takes is one person to change the election and void the voice of the people.
A voting machine is really broken into two parts. Accepting and counting the vote, and security of that vote. The first is a trivial exercise that should easily use programming technology and hardware that has been around for quite awhile, up to the point that its used in Tablet PCs for the consumer to use to take notes, draw pictures and generally do very complicated functions beyond anything needed from a voting machine.
The second part, security is difficult, but not insurmountable. For security, use whets already working. Banking, credit card companies etc already use encryption with a great deal success on the internet, there is no reason why this same encryption of data can't be used for these machines to secure the data.
The machines themselves should not allow wireless access, but should allow wired access but only after certain processes and security is setup. The NIC card and access should be locked, literally under lock and key and that access should be in a very obvious place such as the back of the machine or top monitor panel so that any attempt to tamper with it obvious to all.
Anything done on that machines, no matter how small should be logged. The log file itself should be so complete that itself would be a history of what was done, when and where for the life of the machine and almost be used as a form of voting recount of its own. All changes to the machines should invoke the buddy system, where the buddies are qualified but random to reduce the changes of corruption.
A potential final version of machines used for the elections should be made to the public to test, hack and generally break to show flaws and problems so they can be corrected in time for the election. Testing should be arduous, public and go beyond the lab testing that doesn't take in account real world issues and use.
A final step is verification of the count. This should be done in several ways. One a paper trail should be available for every vote. Two, the log file would be a second source of verification. In every state, for every district, there should be random recounts of the entire vote. By random that means truly, locations in a hat, pull out the name, that place will do a manual recount. This should be done at three locations across the state. If the paper trail count doesn't match electronic count of 2 out of 3 locations, then a statewide recount should be performed. This random testing and verification forces the machine designers to build in security, to ensure the devices work properly and it discourages tampering since it would prevent anyone from knowing what location would be test and when. This last step, however implemented, would be critical to any oversight as long as a large degree of random is in the process so no one can predict what locations will perform a recount and what locations will not.
No process will be fool-proof, but any process is better then what we have now, which is to base our entire voting process on faith alone.
Robo-Calls Run Amok
Apparently the Democrats are claiming they will act on these calls which may be violating many national and state laws (including the Do Not Call law). Considering how wimpy the Dems have been for the last few years, I will believe this when I see it.
Countdown has a good report on the controversy here, including showing how the calls are not necessarily helping the Republican candidates they are calling to support (whether that candidate wants the help or not).
Monday, November 06, 2006
Vote Democrat!
The simple reality is this government, our party system, works best when the two parties are fighting against each other. The Republicans have ruled the roost for six years and wasted the opportunity. Even worse, they left the country in a worse place then when they started. You don't reward that level of incompetence. Its time to return to compromise, its time to returns to sense, its time to yank control away from the extreme fringes of both parties and work back towards the middle ground. The first step to doing that is to give Democrats control of Congress.
If my some miracle, Democrats are able to field a true Presidential candidate in 2008, then this idea can be re-visited. After all, we have already seen how damaging its can be for the Republicans to control all three branches of government, I seriously doubt giving the Democrats the same power will be much better.
Remember, use the Constitutional mindset of separation of powers when voting.
Vote Democrat.
Fox News, Banned from Using the D Word?
Media Bistro.com posted the below pic that shows that even though most polls are favoring Democrats, Fox News decided to go with the "one party" label. Is this a statement on the overall lack of intelligence that Fox News feels its views have?

In addition, Fox tries to indicate via the words that the GOP has the lead in a race for Tom Delay's Seat, but polls, and the channel's own commentary, show that the GOP candidate is behind by 8% points. Click here for the story and video.

Everyone knows that Fox News is slanted Republican but in desperation are they starting to spin outright lies to try and trick the electorate or is it just incompetence?
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Polls Indicate GOP Keeps Senate
Yet despite that, recent polls indicate that while the GOP might lose the House, they will keep the Senate. What does the GOP have to do to lose the people's trust, kill a baby on live television? By all measures of failure, the GOP have failed, yet they keep getting re-elected, sadly proving the rule of 98%. Regardless of what party is in power, or wanting power, 98% of incumbents getting re-elected is pathetic and an indication of just how ill-informed and lazy the average American voter is.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
John Kerry Thinks Troops Are Stupid?
Many programs have weighed in but as is often the case The Daily Show does the best job of putting everything in proper perspective by not only showing Kerry's failed joke but the many jokes of the Bush administration that isn't exactly kind to the army, including Rumsfeld's You go to war with the army you got, not the army you want". I wonder if Bush's "just a comma" comment in regards to lost lives counts.
In addition, Keith Olbermann weighed in with another excellent Special Commentary that shows just how silly and at the same time heinous this whole thing is. He does a good job of showing just how horrendous Bush and co have become in the effort to maintain power by any means.
The noise about Kerry forgetting the word "us" in his speech is beyond wrong. Its not the Republicans and Fox News milked the moment. Its that the media and the electorate let them. The mistake was news, but not the near 24/7 coverage it was granted.
However, Bush didn't do himself any favors when he did a special speech on the comment. Here is a man that dodges the press, that took five days to visit New Orleans, that only gives speeches when he has some new law to sign or tax cut to pass, who pretends he is incredibly busy and just doesn't have time for the little things like providing explanations for his policies, yet he has time to bash Kerry.
The there is that synchofant John McCain. For no reason whatsoever, he dove into this "issue" for the face time it would provide. The man who once was the darling of both the Republican's for 2008 and liked by many Democrats, who was considered articulate, intelligent, and honorable. Now he has become something else. Something that will do anything for votes, who will sell his soul and his values (allowing torture) if it will help him become President. He has become something that isn't worry of being President. Its a shame to see his ambition destroy the man that would have been worthy of the title.
Its a sad state of affairs when a mis-spoken joke becomes greater news then any other more horrible events of the day.
Zelda Twilight Princess Trailer
The videos can be seen here.
iPod Shuffle Disassembled
As for a view of the guts of this new device, click here for a step by step with pictures on how to take the new shuffle apart.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Wii Updates for Virtual Console
Also Nintendo indicated that it plans to have at least 32 Wii specific games ready by year's end. I have heard that dance before with the release of the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube so don't hold your breath on it happening. I keep expecting a delay on Zelda as it is considering the company's history.
Click here for a table that shows what games are coming to what country.
Also, gaming-age.com has posted pics of the Wii being unpacked and prepped for play. Nothing spectacular is revealed but for the curious, the pics are here.
Still even with the limited number of classic games available, the release date titles combined with the ability to play Gamecube games means that no one will lack in games to play.
The full list of games expected available by year's end is here.
PS3 Console Preview
The video is here.
Bob Barker Announces Retirement

Bob Barker, the host of the Price is Right for 35 years, has announced his intent to retire in June 2007 from his hosting role that has made him famous and is the familiar face of gameshows for several generations of viewers including myself.
Bob Barker's 50 year career on television began back in 1956 as host of "Truth or Consequences" with his first "Price is Right" hosting duty beginning on September 4th 1972.
CBS plans on having a prime-time special celebrating Price's long live and Bob's long career. The search for a replacement host is in the works but considering how replacements have gone in the past, I expecting a so-so comedian of D level skill set.
While the time is right, enjoy this bit of television history before it comes to a close.
iPod Shuffle Hands On

The iPod Shuffle has finally been shipped, nearly a month after the initial expected release date. The in store date is expected to be Friday November 4th, but for those that pre-ordered at the Apple Store, some of the shuffles have begun to arrive. I am expecting mine tomorrow morning.
Click here for a few pics of the packaging.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Two Great Lego Star Wars Videos
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Countdown: The GOP, American Terrorists?
The Webster's dictionary define terrorists as "one that uses the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion".
The new ad, "The Stakes," the GOP has unleashed on America, using a still free Bin Laden (the GOP's personal bogeyman) video combined with images of explosions and violence to give the average un-informed America the perspective that only Republicans can protect America.
Terror is defined as "a) one that inspires fear b) a frightening aspect c) a cause of anxiety d an appalling person or thing.
Doesn't this describe exactly the goal of the GOP ad? Its attempts to inspire fear (of terrorist acts), cause anxiety (someone know be a victim), by depicting an appalling person (Osama) talking of doing frightening things. Combine this is the GOP and its representatives constantly claiming over and over that only they can protect us, doesn't this describe to a tee the systematic use of terror as a means of coercion, in this case to vote Republican? Has the GOP become our American "Al Qaeda"?
Even more striking is they commit resources to this ad while attacking CNN for daring to air a video of a insurgent sniper killing American soldiers, calling it smut. A video, as even Tucker Carlson points out, might motivate terrorists, but will only anger Americans. Oddly this video would represent a better ad for the war, then this reuse of a Osama Bin Laden terrorist video.
The GOP actually re-used a terrorist video to support themselves. A video not long ago was attacked and considered outrageous, suddenly very useful to help a different goal. A video that depicts the architect of 9/11, still free, still able to plan and potentially attack us in the future. A person that has done grievous harm to us yet Bush and the GOP has ignored for future use as the election year bogeyman. Think about that, they intentionally left this man free so they can use him for political gain. They invoke the dead of 9/11 on a nearly hourly basis, yet they allow this man to remain free because he more useful to them free. That is the GOP of today.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Happy 5th Birthday iPod

I have had more iPods then really care to admit and today marks its fifth Anniversary. What started out as a Mac only device exploding into the dominating device that created a whole new electronics brand when it finally moved to the Windows platform. Billions are made from iPod and its accessories and a whole new vocabulary was created including the now common place podcast. It has literally changed the landscape of our culture in a way few devices have. Happy Birthday iPod!
For the non-fans, things to hate about the iPod.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Another Day, Another Diebold Failure
Out there you have companies, for a hell of a lot less money, using touch screen in business transactions every day of the week without incident, yet Diebold can't even do something that simple correctly. As for the security, its real simple. Have it so each machine counts the votes internally and does not report the results to a central database. Instead the total has to be claimed manually. Not as efficient but still quicker as only have to come up with a total from x number of machines that contain y votes. The machine should not allow for any kind of wireless connection, bluetooth or otherwise. Nor should the connections that allow for updating the firmware, downloading results etc but in a "hidden" location. They should be at the top of the machine or another high profile location so that if someone does try to hack the machine, the effort would be fairly obvious.
This would mean no easy external way to connect to the machine, so if someone wants to influence the election they would have to hack every machine individually rather then the central database, and most importantly, every single machine, whether required by law or not, should provide a paper trail. This paper trail should then be used for at least three election cycles to confirm the electronic count. Without exception, enforced by law. It can't be assumed the machines are secure, it can't be assume that they work correctly. It must be proved, over and over again.
If a company can't succeed at this, they simple shouldn't allow to exist. That is the nature of capitalism that Republicans love so much. Its time that same system be applied to Diebold instead of continuing to allow them to be protected by the corrupt and the ineffectual.
Friday, October 20, 2006
GOP Terror Ad
Nevermind that voting out of fear is a cowardly. Instead of going there, here is what I think people should think of every time they see the video. That Osama Bin Laden, the artitect of 9/11 is still alive because the GOP has done nothing about him. The man that cause the deaths of 3000 Americans, the man that led to the war we are in that costs nearly the deaths of 3000 American soldiers is still alive. Everytime the GOP uses him as the bogeyman of terror, remember that he still lives because the GOP decided he is of more use for elections then for justice. This is why he still lives, so every two years they can use him for vote made out of fear.
The GOP of willing to let this threat to America, this killer of our citizens to exist, because its good for votes. How that is tolerated by anyone is beyond my understanding.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Countdown Special Commentary on Habeas Corpus
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Death of Habeus Corpus
But really, even in this country full of ADDers who have to have everything no matter handed in two sentence soundbites and please hold the complication, but sheesh, its two different stories how hard is it to track and report both? Apparently to hard. My Congress disgusts me, the President disgusts me, and the American people not caring disgusts me.
In either case, congrats to Bush for getting what he wants - the uber president. Seriously why bother with Congress now? They are not even relevant anymore except to pretend they are doing something useful while allowing Bush to wipe his ass with the Constitution. The so-called flame of democracy that America use to represent has been extinguished and no one even cares. The battle was won without a fight, security is sacrosanct, freedom irrelevant.
The surest ways to lose what freedoms that remain is the continued apathy America is demonstrating. In this way, the terrorists have surely won the war.
Hand-on video with PS3 Interface
The video is here.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Habeas Corpus End Signed into Law
Even more disgusting and a sign of the stupidity of our President and the citizens that follow him "With the bill I'm about to sign, the men our intelligence officials believe orchestrated the murder of nearly 3,000 innocent people will face justice," Bush said. What in the world does this have to do with 9/11 and Bush's continued policy to ignore Osama Bin Ladin.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Bush and the Christian Right
This comes as no shock to me as the Republican party and Bush have demonstrated through actions that money and power is all they care about. They have literally not made a single decision, passed a single law, that isn't about consolidating power and helping their rich friends. Even the war on terror has accomplished little except fill the coffers of Haliburton. Helping whatever goals the Christians have would probably contrary to those goals. Besides, lip service seems to appease them anyway so action isn't really necessary.
Of course, as recent calls to "purge" gays from the GOP, its probably not all bad that the GOP ignores them more often as not as the extreme elements that control Christiandom political machine do have dangerous ideas that have little to do with the ideas of this country and the Constitution.
Keith Olbermann has been discussing the book on his show. So far Part 1 and Part 2 are available on Crooks and Liars.
In additional, for a little funny, check out this Daily Show video that shows how Bush seems to hear his Generals while not actually listening to them. It also indicates how he is continuing to dodge blame for anything as apparently the problems in Iraq are not his fault, but those same Generals (many of whom seem to get fired for not following the party line). Once again, our leader doesn't lead but just assigns blame to others without actually taking steps to remedy anything. Sounds like a corporate America middle manager huh?
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
North Korea's Nuclear Program is Clinton's Fault
As for McCain, I use to like the man. I honestly would have voted for him in 2008. However, the last year has show that in his desperation to become the next President, there is literally nothing he is not willing to do. He has sold his soul for the power and nothing good can from that. The final straw was the Geneva conventions agreement where McCain basically caved, despite his own experience as a POW, for political expediency and score points with the "base" that helped get the country in the current mess its dealing with. Bush kicked him in the balls in 2000 and now McCain is cutting his own off voluntarily. How the potentially mighty have fallen.
The video of McCain's comments is here.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Jon Stewart and Keith Olbermann Strike Again
Jon Stewart
Keith Olbermann
Google Buying YouTube?
I hope this deal falls apart simply because once Google becomes the parent company of YouTube.com, all the money hungry copyright defenders, especially the music industry, will immediately file lawsuits to remove a large portion of YouTube's video collection. Since nearly anything could be interpreted as owned by someone for copyright purposes, this means probably up to 80% of the videos currently available on the site will no longer be. It wouldn't be Google's fault, it will be the fault of the large media companies that can't seem to understand that YouTube is a way to get their material around to those that are not aware of it.
Whether people are watching a cartoon, a news bit, listening to music, whatever, that means someone who didn't know it existed now does. That is a potential consumer discovery their stuff and maybe buying. However, rather then tap that hunger and legion of viewers, they choose to fight them tooth and nail. In the sharing of ideas, YouTube unintentionally is at the forefront and ownership by Google will end that.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Touchscreen Voting Machines, but Don't Use Touchscreen
Its amazing that in this day and age of electronic brilliance where touchscreen pads are used constantly at restaurants, at movie theatres, for video games (Nintendo DS), laptops, graphic design and many many more complicated things then voting, that Diebold can't not get their crap together and our elected officials tolerate it. How much money has been thrown away on their inability to create these machines that can't even do the simplest task correctly.
I recognize that security is hard but this isn't even a security issue (even though they can't get that right either). This is a fundamental purpose of the machine failing. What is, by today's standards, a trivial purpose of the machine. How many excuses will be tolerated? At what point do the people in charge decide that Diebold no longer deserves the governments money? Its obviously wasted, its obvious that people working on these machines are either incompetent or purposely ripping the government off thereby committing fraud. The excuses and the tolerance needs to end. A new company needs to be used that actually has its act together and can deliver on their promises rather then stringing everyone along for a higher paycheck.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Fox News Decides Mark Foley is a Democrat; Had Buried Story

The scandal rocking Capital Hill, especially Republicans and their leadership, in regards to former Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) is causing quite a problem. Republicans bread and butter is to disseminate information, cover it up and blame others. In this case though, there is not false information to spread, the story is out there so to late to cover, and who can you blame? I know some will try Clinton and other Democrats but most know that simply isn't going to work.
Apparently Fox News has decided if can't find a scapegoat just change the man's party affiliation. As reported on several segments, including "The O'Reilly Factor", apparently its now "Former Congressman Mark Foley (D-FL)". Considering this story, including labels, discussions, both on air and in print has been going on for days, I find it hard to believe this would be a simple typo. For one thing check your keyboard. The "R" and the "D" buttons are no where near each other. I don't think its unreasonable to assume that Fox News was trying to confuse their viewers (cause historically it has worked) and didn't think they would get caught. As it is they altered the lines in repeat broadcasts later.
Also, in additional, the AP is reporting that Fox News, the St. Petersburg Times and The Miami Herald knew about Foley's behavior via emails they received and did nothing. "Our decision at the time was ... that because the language was not sexually explicit and was subject to interpretation, from innocuous to 'sick,' as the page characterized it, to be cautious," said Tom Fiedler, executive editor of the Herald. "Given the potentially devastating impact that a false suggestion of pedophilia could have on anyone, not to mention a congressman known to be gay, and lacking any corroborating information, we chose not to do a story."
Considering that for quite a while now, most of the media happily just regurgitate whatever is handed to them with almost no effort to collaborate the information, why not do the same here? Still, I can't fault them for being cautious. Its a good call. However, why didn't they dig into it further? You know, actually go and investigate? Isn't that what reporters are supposed to do, get a story and confirm the story through research, questioning and other means? It seems here they did nothing but bury the potential story.
Do they have policies on how they handle issues against Republicans vs Democrats? Is it in writing? If given the same information about a Democrat, would Fox News have been as cautious? For some reason, I seriously doubt they would have held back if it truly had involved a Democrat.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Week 2 of TV Premiers Review
Monday 9/26
The Class - I am warming to it but its still a strange show, but the potential is starting to show.
How I Met Your Mother - Great show, watch if you are not already.
CSI: Miami - Continues to entertain.
Runaway - I can tell its probably a good show, but it just doesn't get my interest.
Prison Break - One of the best shows on TV.
Vanished - Just as I was about to pass, they kill a major character. Now want to find out what happens next.
Heroes - Loving this show. A bit slow in pace but the characters are solid and I am developing a crush on Hayden Panettiere.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - Personally I think this shows great, but its so insider and presents itself as being so smart that I am doubting it will last the season which is a shame. I will stick around as long as it does however.
Tuesday 9/26
Boston Legal - Show is at it best when Shatner and Spader are on screen.
NCIS - Little entertaining workhorse.
The Unit - I think I will have to pass now, I just can't get into it.
Smith - Ditto. I just could care less about any of the characters.
House - Going to miss it when baseball finals start.
Standoff - I like the show, but wouldn't mind if the show focused more on the scenarios and less on the relationship.
Law and Order Criminal Intent and SVU - Still good.
Nip/Tuck - Still freaky but still entertaining.
Wednesday 9/27
Jericho - Great show but not sure how long can maintain the dread without it getting old.
Criminal Minds - another crime related workhorse, worth watching.
CSI:NY - Stick a fork, done watching.
Bones - Another show will miss due to baseball.
Justice - I like it but it will go in just a few more airings. Its a little to clean cut and predictable.
Kidnapped - Liking this one a lot, give it a try, the characters are compelling.
Thursday 9/28
Ugly Betty - Interesting show, compelling lead in the "ugly" role, but the show is a little sickly sweet for my tastes. Give it one more week then will pass. I am betting that if the tone of the show is maintained the audience will turn off in droves.
Grey's Anatomy - New season, same stories going in the same circles.
Six Degrees - Second week, still not grabbing my interest. My lust for Erika Christensen just isn't enough to keep me coming back for more.
Survivor - That whole race thing sure ended quick, as expected from anyone that has watched the show for a few seasons.
CSI - Good show, not sure what's going on with the Catherine story arc.
Shark - Ug, just don't care about anyone in it.
Smallville - Its sad when the action sequence of the television show is better then any action sequence of the movie. Kristin Kruek continues to be a pretty but bland actress and my lust for Allison Mack increases.
Supernatural - Good start for an entertaining popcorn show.
ER - eh, just getting bored with it for no particular reason and will they either kill off the Sally Field character or quit writing it.
Friday 9/29
Numbers - Another entertaining show.
Law and Order - The new detective is pretty, fairly decent but as usual its the crimes that compel.
Doctor Who - Second season of this strange British import. Its traditional sci-fi with a humorous and dorky twist. I like it but its not for all sci-fi tastes.
Sunday 10/1
Desperate Housewives - More desperate they get, the less I care.
Brothers and Sisters - Could a show get more boring? I am done with it, and sure everyone will be soon too.
Amazing Race - Great show, worth watching.
Cold Case - Its interesting TV, but its also starting to become predictable. The ends with the music and the "ghost" victims is beyond old now. The fact that usually the second or third person they interview is always the bad guys is getting annoying to.
Without A Trace - More they get into the personal lives of the main cast, the more boring it gets. They just are not that compelling even though Poppy Montgomery is a visual treat.
Monday, October 02, 2006
GOP Aware of Foley in 2001
A Republican staff member warned Congressional pages five years ago to watch out for Congressman Mark Foley, according to a former page. Matthew Loraditch, a page in the 2001-2002 class, told ABC News he and other pages were warned about Foley by a supervisor in the House Clerk's office. Loraditch, the president of the Page Alumni Association, said the pages were told "don't get too wrapped up in him being too nice to you and all that kind of stuff.
This shows that Republican leadership has been aware for at least 4 years, if not longer, of Foley's pedophilic interests and in the nature of "unity" before country, chose to do nothing. After all, can't risk that seat going to a Democrat. The only thing they did was foist the responsibility to keep Foley in line on the pages by asking them to basically behave and keep things in perspective rather then forcing Foley to resign, turn him in or at the very least force his to keep himself under control. They simple didn't care.
On top of that, it turns out that Representative Tom Reynolds, Chairman of the Nation Republican Campaign Committee, might have accepted a $100,000 campaign bribe from Foley to not investigate the issue too deeply as the money seems to occur around the same time as the issue was coming to a boil behind the scenes of the GOP. In addition, Reynolds showed his support of Foley (and therefore his behavior) with a $5,000 donation to Foley's re-election campaign.
How much further in the corruption cesspool will Republicans go to maintain their grip on power? Why isn't simply following the law and doing what's best for the country rather then themselves or the party not enough? Even more important question is just what will it take for the American vote to say "Enough"? Will this abuse also be swept under the rug in the name of "security"?
While the Republicans get with the media to play damage control this week, take one thing from this whole thing. They knew for years and did nothing. They knew they where putting children in danger and did nothing. That is how much they care. They did nothing.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Bush's Torture Bill Passes Congress
Today marks the second phase of a real attempt by Bush and his Republican cronies to destroy the United States. The first step of the force the Patriot Act through congress to give them ability to suspend the Bill of Rights. Now comes the Detainee Bill, passed by Congress, which gives Bush the ability to interpret the Geneva Conventions (ie torture now legal) and suspend Habeas corpus.
Basically, as of now, whether a US citizen or not, the simple act of a law enforcement official deciding someone is a suspected terrorist eliminates all rights the United States use to grant a person. The Bill of Rights, gone. Due process, gone. Protections from torture, gone. Ability to hear evidence and defend against charges, gone. As of now, based on nothing more then thinking someone could be dangerous, you can be thrown in jail for the rest of your natural life. If the government then so chooses, they can torture a confession, whether real or not, out of you, to justify keeping you in jail for as long as they see fit.
Quite literally, everything that use to define what made the United States special as a democracy no longer exists. All its takes is an accusation and your life is quite literally over. The government has total control and you have no rights to do anything about it.
This is what happens when "security" becomes more important then freedom. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves. God help the United States.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Bush's In-Action Prior To 9/11
In addition, Chris Matthews apparently has found his backbone as he is starting to get truly critical with Republicans about the Iraqi War. He recently took House Majority Leader John Boehner to task for asserting that the Iraqi War is the front for the war on terror even though there its never been proven that Iraq had anything to do with recent terrorists activity including 9/11. As it seems people need to be reminded, the person responsible is still at large. Details and video here.
Also on Hardball, Al Franken and Mathews took Tony Blankley to task over attempt to dismiss the recent National Intelligence Estimate leak. Info and video here.
Next, is another video, this time of ultra libertarian and ABC "reporter" John Stossel attacks the website Media Matters for being a smear site, but then as is typical of the average "reporter" in this day and age, failed to provide factual backup for his opinion. Now Media Matters is a misnomer in the sense that it only points out the errors of the media when slanted against liberals (much prefer it did it's work against both groups) but it does support its assertions with facts, transcripts and history. All they do really is highlight statements conservatives make on the airwaves. Usually that stuff slides and they don't let it. I am not sure how that is smearing since its not manufactured data or opinions represented as facts, which Stossel is a fan of doing. Video is here.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Olbermann Reacts to Clinton Interview
In addition to this, Jon Stewart over on the Daily Show chose to point out the continued failure of the news media to report anything but the sensational. They focused on the angry Clinton rather then the informational Clinton, or even better both. Both where applicable to the story but all those facts just make things hard for the reporters and talking heads and unless someone tells them what to think and say, they get lost easily. The article is here with video.
Just as interesting is that Mike Wallace outright lied to Clinton by claiming he asks the same questions of his conservative guests. There is a story there the press should pay attention to but they protect their own (unless sexy enough not to, in this case it isn't). In reality neither current Fox News Sunday host Wallace nor former host Tony Snow (now Bush's press secretary)have come even close to asking such questions. Its not from lack of opportunity either as they have has dozens of high level Bush cronies as guests including Rice, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. Article here.
Here is something I don't get. Why bring this up? Anytime you mention a failure to capture Osama Bin Ladin, all its does is highlight Bush's failure to do so. Clinton failed after the Cole attack but Bush failed after 9/11. Five years later he is still failing. Why risk reminding people of this? I know part of its is to play a hindsight game. If Clinton got Osama, then no 9/11. But then all one has to do is point out that if Rumsfeld, Cheney, Reagan hadn't armed Osama back in the 80s, there would have been no Cole attack. If they want to play that game, all roads lead back to Republican decisions.
Seems like Fox News desperation to back their President they may have made a tactical error. Of course democrats are so clueless on taking advantage of these kinds of opportunities that if Fox buries the story in the next day or two, they can add a notch to the win column. Sigh, when did politics have nothing to do with facts and ability, and when did reporters stop becoming actual reporters of fact? I miss those days.
Monday, September 25, 2006
New TV Season Reviews
Monday 9/18
The Class - Undecided. Its a weird premise, a reunion of a class of 3rd graders, but if that doesn't stay the focus, the characters might be enough to keep watching. No standouts yet, but I will give it a few weeks to grab me.
How I Met Your Mother - Starting season 2, still good, still funny, remaining on my to watch list. If not on yours, you should add it.
CSI: Miami - You know the show, nothings really changed except finally, thank freaking god, they have ended the whole Horatio and his family of horror crap. Will they finally move on to more interesting things?
Prison Break - Still going strong after a few weeks and will miss it with baseball playoffs coming. I didn't think the premise would hold for a second season but so far its going strong. I hope they have an end game in mind because if they plan on just having this go and go for 5 or 6 years then its toast. I would rather it go out in three solid seasons then 7 stretched out crappy ones.
Vanished - I am trying to like it, but the characters hold no interest for me. You really don't care about anyone's back story, the mystery, and even if the potentially kidnapped victim is dead or alive. There is simply nothing to hook you. Consider this one cancelled soon.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - I have my West Wing fix back. I can tell I am thoroughly going to enjoy this show. Whether or not its sticks around though is another matter. It does require a little brain power on the part of the audience and sadly that is always a gamble nowadays.
Tuesday 9/19
Boston Legal - Same o from previous seasons. If liked it then, will like it now. Personally I watch for William Shatner and his scenery chewing.
NCIS - Going strong and very entertaining. Recommend watching.
The Unit - Same as last season, same whatever attention from me. I can tell its a good show but for whatever reason I just can't fall in love with it.
Smith - Watched it for Amy Smart, will give it a few more eps for Amy Smart, but sadly it suffers from not having any characters to grab your interested or care for. They could kill one off each week and I could care less (unless its Amy Smart).
House - Still going strong, sure predictable but thoroughly entertaining.
Standoff - The character interactions don't mean anything, but the hostage scenarios are neat to watch. I can also tell it will get boring by seasons end (assuming it makes it which I doubt).
Law and Order: Criminal Intent - Still the brain busting puzzles only genius boy can solve. Still entertaining.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit - The shining star of the series. Worth watching if not already doing so.
Wednesday 9/20
Jericho - End of the world? Maybe. What happens next is the story and I am currently hooked. The survival of this show will depend on how much they hold their cards to their chest and how carefully they play them out. Hold em to long and interest will fizzle fast. Until then I am watching.
Criminal Minds - Still good, still worth watching.
CSI: NY - Same o same o which in this case not such a good thing since I just can't get as interested in this CSI as the others. I think because the actors are so damn bland.
Bones - Same o same o but in a good, entertaining way.
Justice - Lawyers get the people off using any means necessary. Later shows what really happened and sadly so far every time the lawyers have been nearly dead on. Justice prevails! Which makes for a predictable and good guys win story. This show is toast and doesn't know it yet.
Kidnapped - Boy is kidnapped, the FBI and a hunter is looking for him. Egos clash, politics arise, etc. Great cast, good development of the characters already, its my new 10:00 appointment.
Thursday 9/21
Grey's Anatomy - Its the same as previous seasons, up to recycling the same stories and just tweaking them. I will give it a few more eps but at this point I am tied of the circles.
Six Degrees - Jury still out on this one. Not sure what to make of it, what the point of the series is or much else. The characters are hot and well that's about it. I love Erika Christenson but her hotness isn't enough to make the show worth watching week after week.
Survivor: Cook Islands - The race gimmick should draw to a close in another week and then its once again the same clash of egos, brainstorming and betrayals. Another words the same show from previous seasons that either love or hate.
ER - Season 1000, same as previous 990. Whatever.
Friday 9/22
Numbers - Same as last year, only guys have shorter hair. I liked last year, so liking this year.
Law and Order - New night, new female (hot) detective. Same show, same formula. Still solid writing.
Sunday 9/24
Amazing Race - Glorious same o same o. Jealousy abounds as would love to do that show.
Cold Case - Same again, getting bored with it even though the writing etc continues to be solid.
Without a Trace - Same to, really getting bored with this show. I think I am done with it. The characters just no longer interest me.
Desperate Housewives - Put a fork in its done. Once again, the many circles abound as this clearly soap opera show continues to swipe poorly from its daytime counterparts.
Brothers and Sisters - Lots of fanfare about nothing. The characters bore, the premise bores, once again could care less about a single character. This show will last a while only on the will of the ABC execs but I have a feeling the audience will drop off fast.
Simpson - Same o. Which is great by me
American Dad - Ditto
Family Guy - Ditto
War at Home - Ditto in a brainless way.
So there you go. What I liked and didn't. The new season shows are mostly looking like crap except for Studio 60 and Kidnapped. Most of the shows that are in their 3rd plus seasons are showing age and need a new spit shine to survive. Also I watch entirely to much television and some triage needs to be performed.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Random Movie Stuff

The opening theme music from Chris Cornell for the next James Bond film, "Casino Royale" has made an appearance online. Give it a listen. Personally I am unimpressed so it falls inline with most other Bond music.
The trailer for "The Christopher Reeve Superman Collection" has been released on the web by Warner Bros. The main thing of interest of this collection is the Richard Donner Cut of Superman II. Original he was pulled from the film halfway through production so while he had filmed most of the movie, he had no say on how it was all edited together. The set is a huge 11 disc set that includes special features for Superman I-IV and Supergirl. Even though I have the previously released set, looks like I need to sell it to help in buying this one. The trailer is here.
Oh final note, avoid "The Black Dahlia" like the plague. Boring movie. I could complain on and on about it but really its biggest problem is its simply boring. Literally 10 people walked out on the movie and the theatre wasn't even close to full.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Olbermann Demands Bush apologize
This is the phrase that angered Keith Olbermann to unleash a scathing commentary on his MSNBC program against President Bush. Bush was responding to Colin Powell's recent statement of concern over the world's view of the US "war on terror." Considering Bush's famed dislike of anything less then blind obedience, the statement was a heat of the moment slip on Bush's part. Since often in anger, the truth comes bursting out, its a sign of just how little Bush understands or cares about the ideals of the United States.
Click here to see the video from crooksandliars.com.This President’s response included not merely what is apparently the Presidential equivalent of threatening to hold one’s breath, but — within — it contained one particularly chilling phrase. Mr. President, former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. If a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former secretary of state feels this way, don’t you think that Americans and the rest of the world are beginning to wonder whether you’re following a flawed strategy? BUSH: If there’s any comparison between the compassion and decency of the American people and the terrorist tactics of extremists, it’s flawed logic. It’s just — I simply can’t accept that. It’s unacceptable to think that there’s any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective.
Of course** it’s acceptable to think that there’s "any kind of comparison." And in this particular debate, it is not only acceptable, it is obviously necessary. Some will think that our actions at Abu Ghraib, or in Guantanamo, or in secret prisons in Eastern Europe, are all too comparable to the actions of the extremists. Some will think that there is no similarity, or, if there is one, it is to the slightest and most unavoidable of degrees.
What all of us will agree on, is that we have the right — we have the duty — to think about the comparison. And, most importantly, that the other guy, whose opinion about this we cannot fathom, has exactly the same right as we do: to think — and say — what his mind and his heart and his conscience tell him, is right.
All of us agree about that.
Except, it seems, this President.
With increasing rage, he and his administration have begun to tell us, we are not permitted to disagree with them, that we cannot be right. That Colin Powell cannot be right.And then there was that one, most awful phrase.
In four simple words last Friday, the President brought into sharp focus what has been only vaguely clear these past five-and-a-half years - the way the terrain at night is perceptible only during an angry flash of lightning, and then, a second later, all again is dark.
"It’s unacceptable to think…" he said. It is never unacceptable… to think
Friday, September 15, 2006
Senator Mary Landrieu Slams Republicans on War
In light of the rantings that went on for 30 minutes by two colleagues from the other side, I’d like to state for the record that America is not tired of fighting terrorism; America is tired of the wrongheaded and boneheaded leadership of the Republican party that has sent six and a half billion a month to Iraq while the front line was Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. That led this country to attack Saddam Hussein, when we were attacked by Osama bin Laden. Who captured a man who did not attack the country and let loose a man that did. Americans are tired of boneheaded Republican leadership that alienates our allies when we need them the most. Americans are most certainly tired of leadership that despite documenting mistake after mistake after mistake, even of their own party admitting mistakes, never admit they do anything wrong. That’s the kind of leadership Americans are tired of.
Fox News and the Question Mark
Click here for the video.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Nintendo Wii Press Conference; $250 out Nov. 19th

Nintendo has finally laid out all of its launch plans for the Nintendo Wii. Lots of information was revealed so on to the highlights.
- Price: $249.99 (as expected)
- Release date: November 19th, 2006 (two days after the PS3)
- Available colors: white only (crap so no color until spring of '07)
- Units shipped: 4 million, from Nov 11 to end of year
- Box contents: Wii console, cables, sensor bar, one wii-mote, one nunchuck and Wii Sports
- Launch Games: 15 of them including Excite Truck and Zelda, 30 by end of year
- Games Price: $49.99, but 3rd party could charge more
Wii Features:
- WiiConnect24: News and weather channel from the internet, message boards, able to send photos, etc
- Mii: Allows for creation of virtual avatars, photo views, and ability to edit video (formats unknown)
Virtual Console:
- NES games are $5, SNES for $8 and N64 are $10
- Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, Donkey and Legend of Zelda available at launch
- Games tied into account rather then straight download. (hackers have fun)
Other Info:
- Metroid 3 is coming in 2007 (probably fall imho)
- Wii is Wi-Fi enabled, no cost to connect
- Zelda for Gamecube will launch December 11th (to force the impatient to upgrade me thinks)
- Wii-mote costs $39.99 and Nunchuk $19.99
- Pokemom will be first online game, no US release date announced
- Has only 512mb of flash memory (but expandable, uses SD memory)
- Includes Opera browser for web surfing
- No DVD playback
- Wii is region-free so if want some Japanese games, no modding needed, but 3rd party can employ a region look if want
The $250 price tag, combined with $50 games, additional $60 for second controller, plus $50 or so for additional memory equals a fairly hefty price tag, but once that is still cheaper then the PS3. The expected launch titles look good, especially Zelda, but disappointed at the lack of online multiplayer launch titles. The lack of DVD support will be slightly missed, maybe corrected with a future firmware update but doubt it. No mention of whether its backwards compatible with Gamecube, but rumors have indicated it should be. As a whole, I am still excited about the system and have every intention of getting it on day one. One mistake I think Nintendo is making is conceding some momentum to the PS3. They should have aimed for a release date at least a week earlier then the PS3 with possible shipment of wave 2 of release titles on the PS3 launch date to knock some wind out of their sales. However, if Nintendo keeps its promise of 4 million available systems then that should go a long way to help since Sony is choosing the shortage = thirst = later better sales approach. I think Nintendo is banking on people choosing to get their next gen fix on the Nintendo or 360 rather then waiting to get hold of a PS3.
Wii Official Website
Star Trek Remaster Station List and Release Schedule
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Apple Keynote Address; Next Gen iPods Announced

Steve Jobs hosted a keynote event today to reveal the next half year's plan for Apple. Next gen products where revealed for the iPod line including a new smaller shuffle. In addition a new piece of hardware was revealed that would allow playing computer content on your TV, perfect for iTunes 7.0 that will start selling Disney movies.
iPod with video 5.5G - drop in price, 60% brighter screen, increase in drive size, and improved battery life, price is $249 for 30GB and $349 for 80GB. Hands-on
iPod software update - Gapless playback for songs, search function, and improved games (available to buy for $4.99)
iPod Nano - battery life increased to 24 hours, four new colors (blue, pink, green, and silver), little thinner, 40% brighter display, and 3 models. $149 for 2GB, $199 for 4GB, and $249 for 8GB. Hands-on
iPod Shuffle 2G - completely redesigned, tiny with clip, silver color, $79 for 1GB, available in October. Hands-on
iTunes 7.0 - view switch to see album art, free album cover art, NFL games for $1.99 game and $24.99 a season, increased resolution of video to 640x480, and better iPod management.
Movies on iTunes - 75+ movies from companies owned by Disney, pre-orders and first week new releases are $12.99, after $14.99, with older movies at $9.99, in 640x480 resolution
iTV - coming in 2007, allows digital content on your computer (from iTunes library) to be played on TV using wireless network, price is $299. Hands-on
Apple announced a slew of products, most of them just minor improvements to existing products. Now the iPod range is from $79-$349. The iTunes update, especially the free album covers, has my interest. A concern is since the download is dependent on having an iTunes account, does that mean that Apple is able to collect information on what songs you already own (and therefore tell the MPAA what they think you might not own?). Basically I have concerns on the potential abuse of that feature by the powers that be.
As for the movie offerings, I say pass. You are basically getting charged the amount of a DVD for the "privilege" of being able to download it and play on your iPod. Much like the PSP movie format, the price doesn't offset the sacrifices being made in going the iTunes route to get your movie. Buying the slick iTV, which has my interest, doesn't offset this sacrifice. At least with a DVD, you don't have to pay $300 to get a device to allow it to play on your TV.
For me, the product that I am most interested in is the iTV. I like the idea of not having to use wires to play the media content on my computer to my TV. However, before ordering the device I am going to let other guinea pig it for me as I having a feeling there are many limitations to what it can and cannot do. For instance, I doubt it will just play any format of content. I think it will be limited to what iTunes can handle such as .mp3, .mp4, .mov and so forth. Considering the plethora of formats out there, I find that to be a limitation, others may not. In addition, what are the minimum standards does the TV have to have? Just the correct inputs? HDTv? An HD converter box? Can any and all TVs work with it? Again, I doubt it, probably only current gen flat panels will work. If that’s the case, if you can afford a flat panel then getting the iTV should be an automatic purchase. The final concern is how will the new 640x480 resolution and the old resolution play on the TV? Will it translate effortless or will it get that blurry quality from blowing up the pixels to large? The question then becomes, what image quality is being sacrificed for the convenience of putting it on your TV. Hopefully these concerns will be addressed when the iTV comes out in '07.